Author Topic: Won't sleep more than 9-10 hours over night.  (Read 903 times)

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Offline charlibabes

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Won't sleep more than 9-10 hours over night.
« on: March 22, 2006, 08:07:08 am »
My 5 mo used to go to bed at 10pm and sleep through to 7 or 8, when she was younger, the problem was that she never napped well in the day and would often go from 3-4pm to bedtime at 10pm without a nap.

I have just put her on a proper routine in the last 10 days, a typical day looks like this...

7am wake/feed
9am nap 45 mins
9.45 wake
10.15 feed
12.00 nap 1 hr
13.00 wake/feed
15.00 nap 45mins
16.00 feed
17.30 feed
19.00 feed/bed
22.00 df
1.00 feed
4.30 feed awake for day

She was  sleeping through at 6 weeks but by 9 weeks had colds, then went on a nursing strike.... since then she has been waking 1-5 times a night with bottom wind.  The last couple of nights the wind has calmed down some but she was still waking for food every 3-4 hours and feeding hard for 10-15 mins, so am assuming she is genuinely hungry... this is as bad as when she was newborn :(

She just doesn't seem to need sleep as much as other babies.  I don't want to lose my evenings again by putting her down later, but I also can't handle a 4.30 start every day :(

Any advice, suggestions, success stories?

« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 08:08:47 am by charlibabes »

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Re: Won't sleep more than 9-10 hours over night.
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2006, 09:20:36 am »
We had that problem with our baby and we treated the waking as night-time. We decided that anything after 6.30 is acceptable to get up, but if it's 6.20 and he is STARVING, we feed him in the dark and don't talk and make action yet so that he knows it is still night-time. It also worked to put him in his cot awake and let him tuck in himself... But not all babies can do that. Some babies just don't need as much sleep but doesn't she seem tired a lot with so little sleep?

Then you can gradually move the time forward by getting her up later and later every morning until you have a time that you can live with (I wouldn't aim for longer than 6 though, maybe she just can't sleep longer than that)

Also try introducing a night-time routine that only you to do.

It also helped us to reserve the cot for the night and the pram for the day. He sleeps and naps so well since we did that, but I think it is a prop...

But Scotty knows now that COT means NIGHT and pram means DAY, it really works.

Also... how about moving from 19.00 to 19.30?

And is she really hungry at 1? My son wakes up at 1 every night and chatters to himself, I mostly don't even hear it anymore but he doesn't want fed then.

Maybe you can also try to get more milk into her during the day but less at night?