Author Topic: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2  (Read 191489 times)

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #165 on: July 16, 2015, 21:53:42 pm »
Nooooooooo! You mustn't mix cows milk with water. Cows milk doesn't have the nutrients a baby requires and should not be used as a drink before 12mo in the UK and USA. Diluting it with water would give it even less nutritional value. It is also dangerous to give too much water as it can cause an imbalance of electrolytes. Cows milk also has too much protein and certain minerals which can be damaging to a baby's immature kidneys. At 6mo the only options are breast milk or formula. Formula has all the nutrients a baby needs so if you choose to reduce or wean the breast feeding then formula really is the best choice. Please consult your doctor first if you are considering offering any other milk.

As your baby starts taking more solid foods you will find that breast milk intake reduces gradually anyway. As solids increase and you add in dinner you will probably find that 6pm feed naturally gets cut.

Or what about giving formula at BT and/or DF? That may have the effect of reducing the NF too (although obviously that isn't a sure thing).

You sound very sad at the thought of cutting the BFs. Are you sure you wouldn't just like to keep BFing for the next 5.5 months until LO is 12mo and feeds are much less and you could introduce cows milk? You could just see what happens with regards to trying to conceive in that time.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #166 on: July 17, 2015, 07:16:06 am »
After my post last night I thought about it a lot. The funny thing is, before my baby came I had no idea that BF can be that emotional. I was sure it is just a necessary thing to give your baby whats best. Instead of rejoicing in every moment I BF I am constantly thinking of the upcoming end of it. That just doesnt make sense. I think you made me see it. Thank you for that! :)

I put too much pressure on doing everything perfect- that was always my problem in life. So I decided to start with doing everything I can, one thing at a time:)

I didn't know that making a longer break between feeds can help with starting a cycle. So instead of cutting 2-3 feeds during the day, I will work on the night time. Last night I wanted to check when my LO will wake if I dont DF at 11. I was hoping I could feed around 2.30 and then 7. But it got me nowhere. He woke up at 1:30 and needed to be fed at 5, so goodbye breakfast:/ I know its just 1 day, but still gave me an idea. So today I will give him formula for his DF and will see when he wakes up. I hope to slowly teach him out of his NF, and create that longer pause.

Thanks Ali! I still can't believe there is a support group like this. Sometimes you just need to talk to other moms, not your partner, not sister that always knows best. Someone that gives you sincere advise:)

I will keep you posted!

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #167 on: July 17, 2015, 20:39:52 pm »
I don't think things will change overnight so please give your baby and yourself time. Please do keep us posted. We're always happy to offer support.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Bella89

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #168 on: August 17, 2015, 16:50:56 pm »
Hey, just wanted to update. It has been a month, I just realised.
I BF at 7pm, 11pm and 2 other feeds during the night. I usually not BF between 5am and 7pm.

No change yet :( I still want to wait some more before I stop BF completely:/

Ehhh, I hate waiting but what can you do. But I feel better with the decision. Made peace with formula I think :)

Offline Bella89

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #169 on: August 17, 2015, 16:53:30 pm »
Oh, I noticed I had a separate thread for the same topic and probably posted in the wrong place. Sorry, made a mess a little :)

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #170 on: August 17, 2015, 20:24:30 pm »
Thanks for updating us. Glad you are working it out. I hope it helps soon.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline malibu_nikkus

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #171 on: April 18, 2016, 18:27:33 pm »
Would anyone like to share the positives and negs of tandem BF?
My 16 mth old was having just one feed a day when she wakes and to be honest, I could've easily dropped that feed.  BUT, now she has started to ask for a feed or two during the day (I taught her the sign).  I'm just watching to see if this continues.  Sometimes she can be distracted, other times not. I don't know whether to encourage her and feed on demand or wean.  Emotionally I don't feel ready to wean, and I guess she doesn't either.  She's little and gets sick often so I'm assuming the colostrum I have now (I'm 22 weeks preg) would be highly beneficial for her.

If this continues, will it be a pain when baby is born or is it fairly manageable? Does it help with sibling jealousy because my toddler will still be able to have that mummy time whenever she feels jealous?
Would love your insight and advice.

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #172 on: April 23, 2016, 18:40:44 pm »
Personally I preferred to keep the feeds limited at this age as the last thing I wanted when pregnant was a toddler on and off of me all day whereas I could cope with a couple of feeds at set times .

I fed DS1 for 6 months in tandem with DS2. I think we did a morning and a BT BF for 4 months and then just the BT feed for 2 months. It was fine but I think it helped that I felt able to say it was or wasn't his feeding time. I could say "yes, you can have milk at BT" then I'd offer a cuddle or a snack depending on whether it was for hunger or comfort.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011