Author Topic: Did my baby switched between day and night?? Help!  (Read 1296 times)

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Offline Tuty

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Did my baby switched between day and night?? Help!
« on: April 05, 2006, 23:49:07 pm »
I tried to employ the E.A.S.Y. approach on my baby, 1 month old today.

Yesterday during the day she didn't have much activity but was only sleeping and eating (breastfed) at the following times:
5:00 Eating, than Sleeping
7:00 Eating, than Sleeping
8:00 Eating, 8:30-10:30 Sleeping
10:30 Eating, 11:00-13:30 Sleeping
13:30 Eating, 14:30-16:00 Sleeping
16:00 Eating, 16:30-18:30 Sleeping

Since 18:30 she was up until 23:00 with the "evening crying spells".
18:30 Eating 19:00-20:30 FUSSY
20:30 Eating 21:00-22:00 FUSSY
22:00 Bathing 22:30 Eating (bottle - mom's milk) 23:00-23:30 Sleeping

Since 23:30 she was up all night. She was lying in her carriage fussy with eyes wide open and wanted to eat every 30 minutes (I fed her every time). Eventually, at 5:00, after not sleeping all night, I brought her to sleep on my shoulder, she slept for 30 minutes, then ate again and slept for another hour. She ate several more times and was up until 10:00.

At 10:00 my husband fed her a bottle again and then she was sleeping between 10:30 and 12:30 at which time I woke her, afraid she might sleep again during the day but not at night. Now she's up and can't seem to be falling asleep (very very fussy).

Was waking her up at 12:30 after 2 hours of sleep was a mistake? I'm afraid she might be overtired at all times now.
Could this be a growth sprout?
What should I do to make sure this doesn't become a sleep pattern?

We're desparate, please help!

Offline Tuty

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Re: Did my baby switched between day and night?? Help!
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 23:57:41 pm »
Sorry  for posting again! The wonders of the browser's back button..


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Re: Did my baby switched between day and night?? Help!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 07:51:27 am »
Hi Tuty

Sorry that your post went unanswered for so long.

It's been a LONG time since my LO was 1 month old and I am struggling to remember - but I don't think it is likely your LO has days and nights switched.  I remember at about the 6 week mark, my DS was feeding every 2 hours day and night.  My doctor suggested that we try and feed every 3 hours duing the day (that's hard - maybe every 2.5 - 3 hrs is more likely) to encourage the baby to take a better feed rather than snacking throughout the day.

Those first couple of months are hard, that I do remember.  HUGS to you, hang in there you are doing a great job.

You will see your LO's patterns emerge in the next couple of weeks.
Good luck

Offline OriginalSunshine

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Re: Did my baby switched between day and night?? Help!
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 12:38:25 pm »
our DS is just over 9 weeks old. at around a month (BF also) he was doing the same as your little one. we moved bath time to 6:45-7pm ish, and used Infacol (wind medicine) both of which seemed to help.
at nightime as well, we made the room really really dark, and barely spoke to him if we fed or changed him, but made the effort to sing and laugh and play with him during daylight day time.
we also started using a dummy so that if he needed to suck ("touchy baby") within an hour of feeding he could suck on the dummy rather than my nipples (which were painful and raw and bleeding by this stage!  :-[ ). He has recently in the last few days found his fist and the dummy is often rejected in favour of a soggy mitten!  ;)
this all seemed to help him gradually sort out night and day.
hasnt stopped the night wakings, but at least he knows what is what.

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Did my baby switched between day and night?? Help!
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 13:08:57 pm »
I would agree. Keep your days happy and bright and do A time (even a diaper change is A time at 1 month) Keep a steady routine so your LO knows what to expect.
Start having bedtime routine, bath, song or story or massage (all three are to much stick to one for the time being) then feed and bed by 7pm. Dreamfeed at 10:30.
At night don't change your LO unless you have to. Keep the room as dark as you can while still feeding him. The less stimuli the better. A good gas medication may also help and a paci aswell. Paci's are great tools when used right and they can help gas problems aswell as give your boobs a well deserved brake.
I agree with FrasersMum that it may be a growth spurt as well but the above information should help you out.
