Author Topic: waking from hunger but not realizing it??  (Read 979 times)

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Offline busymomof2

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waking from hunger but not realizing it??
« on: April 11, 2006, 00:06:47 am »
again, i am trying to disect my dd sleeping difficulties....she will be 6 months this weekend and i guess i shouldn't complain too much by the early wakings are killing me!  here is her schedule...she goes to bed every night after bath and bottle at 7pm, i dreamfeed her at 1045 pm then she is good until the 430 - 5 am mark then she is usually wide awake and up for the day or fussy and cannot settle until i finally get her up by 6am..
she is bottle fed, does take a soother which does not seem to help at that hour, she was on solids but had terrible consitpation problems so have taken her off until the 6 month mark and will try again (but noticed no difference in sleeping habits whether on solids or off)...she naps twice a day for about an hour, sometimes 1 1/2 hours, she takes about 6-7 oz in the morning about 7- 730 ish, noonish, late afternoon then bedtime  plus the dreamfeed so is getting about 30- 35 oz a day...i have tried feeding her in the early morning when she is fussy but has only ever taken about 2-3 oz so i stopped it...
she appears to still be tired, rubbing her eyes, fussy during the 430-630am times but can't seem to get back to sleep but other days she is wide awake and you think setting my alarm for 420 or so then dreamfeeding her again will help? or would that set up a whole new set of problems??
i can honestly say she has had trouble sleeping and settling during the 430 to 630 mark since birth??

Offline Cory'stiredmommy

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Re: waking from hunger but not realizing it??
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 00:44:25 am »
I probably can't really help but I had the same situation last week. (He has always been fussy during the 4am to 6am mark) Cory (born Oct 14) was very unsettled between 4am and 6am. O.K., so not exactly the SAME situation ;) Perhaps I should try to leave humour aside!
I made 2 changes. I cut back his am nap to 45 minutes and did not wake him for the dream feed. I simply let him wake on his own which was around 12:30am. I fed him 5 ounces of EBM and he went back to sleep until 7am.  My thought was that perhaps he gets his best solid sleep from 7am - to past the dreamfeed time and that my waking him wasn't doing him any favours. I also began to figure that he wasn't that hungry and was not taking as much boobie milk.
This is our new schedule if you are interested: btw... I topped him off at the 6:30 feed and he slept until 1:30am. Not a peep.

7am feed
9:00 - 9:45 Nap
10:45 feed
12:00- 2:00 Nap
2:30 Feed
4:15-4:30 Cat Nap
6:30 feed until 7:15 (Since he is BF I top him off with EBM)
7:15 to bed he gos and he is asleep by 7:30.
Before he was also getting too much sleep during the day.