My dd is also allergic to milk, also found out at 3 months. Last week we went for our 9 month check up and I asked the dr. when we switch off of the lactose free formula and move to milk. I also asked him what we go to and how. His suggestion was to wait until a year b/c of the allergy and then try her on whole milk. He said if you don't try her you will never know if she has a problem or if she has grown out of it. He said you may want to mix it 2/3 formula 1/3 milk just so that she would get used to the taste. He also said that you would know fairly quickly if she can't tolerate it. If she can handle it you won't be buying expensive milk for nothing. The way we discovered she was lactose intolerant was she was very gassy from 2 wks on, then at 10 weeks she started with the explosive poops. After our Dr. ran stool samples and found nothing he suggested the lactose free formula. I was having tons of problems bf IE supply her latch, thrush etc. So after 3 days I couldn't believe the difference. I no longer had a baby with gas, cramps diarrhea etc. I never had to give her oval again and she was getting it every feed. If you are still breastfeeding at 1 year you could try to intoduce milk slowly into your diet or pump and try part bm part whole milk. With people who are lactose intolerant they have very smelly gas/poops, cramping and can have diarrhea. You may also notice lots of stomach noises, Tatiana sounded like her stomach never stopped gurgling b4 we fixed the problem.
Something you could also try some of the cereal that is made with 35% formula - Heinz, Mullipa both make one. We tried a couple of months after we took her off formula and she didn't do well so we went to cereal without formula. One of the things she did was if you held her at a 45 degree angle she turned bright red , put her arms out to the side and screamed. It stopped after we switched to lf and started again with the cereal. Once we swicthed to cereal without formula she stopped again. Weird huh? Let me know what your dr says.