I've been doing a pretty strict EASY up till now, but committed to Bfing till elsa's at least 1 if I possibly can! Im happy to keep the morning and night feeds going as long as possible.
She;s been on solids since 5.5 months, now 7.5 months. up until recently I was bfing her at every meal, then giving her solids. she also had a mid afternoon bf after her afternoon nap and a dream feed of breastmilk.
She was having trouble sleeping through her naps, and I didn't want to introduce more solids (she won't drink well from a cup and i've never tried a bottle) so I switched her bfs around: now I bf her before her morning and afternoon naps (trying to avoid feed to sleep by changing her afterwards I always put her down awake). She seems to be sleeping much better, am I going to end up struggling later on? I know that this far I've made a real point of feeding her as soon as she wakes up then never before her nap: she's really good at resettling herself on the whole, and it seems like maybe she was waking a bit peckish and that full tummy is helping her sleep through the naps again. what do you think?
She is also bfing better/more and also eating her solids better, so generally it seems good but I don't want to make a rod for my own back in future!
let me knwo what you think