Thanks for the replies. As for the bottle and naps, they do take place in the nursery right before sleep, (which may be why his diaper gets so full so quick), but he doesn't fall asleep with the bottle anymore. Instead, he just gets drowsy and I lay him down and then he rolls around and moans for awhile until he falls asleep. In fact, he's getting really good at falling asleep in the crib, which is a big step. It's just that he wakes us so often. He doesn't stay asleep near as long as he did when we used to rock him to sleep after he had his bottle. Granted, it often doesn't take long to get him back to sleep (sometimes just a hand on him is all it takes), but every 15 mintues...?? Right now, I am 90% sure he's got some teeth coming in (his eyeteeth) b/c he's been chewing like crazy. We've been giving him Tylenol, teething tablets, and Orajel (which he HATES) before bed but if it does have any effect it doesn't last long. We've also switched diapers to Pampers Baby Dry just to see if it makes a difference on the wetness thing. Last night, he woke around 2 hours after putting him down, and then he was up off and on all night until about 6:30am. I know that it will take awhile b/c he is older but I really don't even have to do pu or pd very much at all. It's just a matter of him waking up over and over and being unable to settle.