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Offline Sabine

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Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« on: April 30, 2006, 18:33:51 pm »

I am hoping you will help me with my schedule.  I have posted this before and you suggested combo of my lo's bottles which I did but...
he takes his am bottle great 6.5oz and bed bottle great 7-8 oz but the 1 pm bottle only takes 3-3.5 oz and I am trying to get other milk in there but he refuses.  I have posted my solids menu on the board too. I was wondering if I should cut back on his solids intake....I am confused and don't know how else to get more milk in him.  I have a feeling the solids first at lunch is interfering.

Can I try this schedule???  Tell me what you think.

6 am bottle EBM
7 am solids
9 am nap
12 pm bottle
1pm solids
2pm nap
430pm solids
7pm bottle and bed

Let me know by tomorrow please as I want him to still be getting enough milk.  As it is total is only 20 oz maybe 21 if I am lucky. 

Thanks for the response.


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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2006, 21:02:34 pm »
Hi Sabine,

I just checked your post on the bottlefeeding forum and found out your DS is 10months old.
Ok at this age it is common for milk intake to drop a little as solids is slowly becoming the main source of their diet so the range now for solids is 21-30ozs in a day. Don't forget this includes any milk you put on his cereal or use in any other solids as well.
My almost 9months old milk intake is slowly dropping especially the afternoon bottle, she now has 7-8ozs morning and night and 5-6ozs in the afternoon and 2-3ozs in her cereal. As for the order when you give solids and bottle it is totally up to you all babies are different and some still prefer bottles first while others like solids first. We just recently changed to solids first as my DD prefers it this way. Another thing you could do if you DS takes to drinking out of a cup is give a few ozs in a cup with meals this is what i do.
The below routine looks great  :)
Let me know if their is anything else i can help you with.

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Offline Sabine

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2006, 02:37:48 am »
Thanks Natasha...

tried the new schedule and he took about 22 oz with his food.  I am still wondering if he is getting enough solids--my lo doesn't really let me know he is full and the only way i cna tell is if his bottles go down . :-\
Lately he is waking at 5 am crying and will take an 8 oz bottle and go back to sleep.  How can I get more in him to sleep longer?? any suggestions?? more solids perhaps...


Offline *Natasha*

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2006, 02:52:06 am »
How much solids does he Take?
22ozs is great at this age  :)
Have you tried resettling him at 5am?

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Offline Sabine

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2006, 09:53:51 am »
He was up at 5am again ??? and all out crying.  He will not resettle, doesn't even want to be held just sooo upset.  Poor lo.
When I give him the bottle he guzzles down 8 oz and will go back to sleep.  He used to wake and I would BF him and he would go back to sleep in my bed with me and we don't do that anymore so maybe he is upset about that.   :-\ I usually wake him at 7 to start the day.  Yesterday our schedule looked like this:

5am bottle 8oz and back to bed
7am up for day
730 breakfast
945 nap (1hr)
1130 bottle 6oz
100 lunch
130-145 ----------> wouldn't take nap
400 supper
630 bottle
700 bed

Please help as I don't know what else to do/?

1)  IF he is so hungry at 5 what should I be doing differently.  I know he can sleep through--used to go to 6/630.  Is he getting too much milk and not enough solids??

2) Is supper too early??  If I move it forwarrd would that help? I know the closer it is to his evening bottle the less of that bottle he'll take.



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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2006, 19:41:16 pm »
What solids do you give?
Do you offer any snacks or water throughout the day?
Do you think your LO is maybe just thirsty and that is why he is waking?
At what age was he able to sleep 6/630? At what point did that change?

Can you let us know she we can help further?

Lauren x

Offline Sabine

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2006, 23:30:43 pm »
Thanks Calum's mom.
Ok things started to change about 1 month ago around Daylight Savings TIme--maybe that did it?? Prior to that he'd wake 6-630.  He is also getting over a cold and the fact that last week I stopped nursing him in the am.  I would always get him, bring him to my bed at 5-530 or 6 feed him and he'd go back to sleep with me so there has definitely been a change.

When he wakes 5-530 he is all out crying and will eagerly down a 7-8oz bottle and go back to sleep so I think it is a hunger thing.  He cries so terribly and squirms almost like he doesn't even want to be held.  We took the night light out 3 nights ago hoping the dark would help but I'll put it back in tonight.

WE are in the process of tweaking his schedule but this is how it looked today:

500 wake, screaming by 5:20 at which point gave bottle and took 8 oz EBM
then back to bed
710- I woke him up for the day and breakfast (6T cereal mix with 3 oz EBM and 4T fruit, few cheerios)
945 nap (only 30 min  :-\--we are trying to extend A time--N sleeps 1.5hrs)
1130 few cheerios sips water
1230 bottle EBM 6.5 oz
100 lunch 1.5oz EBM mixed with 2T cereal, 1 jar homemade chkn pot pie, 3T fruit
145 nap 1.5hrs
330 sips water and cheerios
445 supper (4T veg, 3T meat, 3T fruit)
530-630 bath, Einstein
700 bottle EBM 4.5 oz, stories
asleep by 730

Is he getting too much milk?  IF I offermilk after solids he won't take more than 3-4 oz.
Is he getting enough solids?
Could teething be causing the am wakes??
Is it habit??

Please help ???

Offline *Natasha*

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2006, 00:10:56 am »
Hi Sabine,

Sorry you are having a hard time with the early waking *****HUGS*****
I know Calums Mum is/was having problems with this so maybe she can help you out their  ???
So you are saying that before daylight savings he was sleeping 7.30-6/6.30??? How many naps and how long were they then? You said he was waking at 6/6.30am but also said you were nursing him at 5-5.30am as well?? Sounds to me that he is still looking for that feed.
So for solids and bottles this looks fine the amounts are great so don't worry their.
Teething could be a problem my DD is currently teething 3 in 3 weeks and 4th coming through now  >:( and i have found that she woke a few times at 6am instead of 6.30/45am.
Another thing is could he be cold? They say 5am is the coldest part of the morning, do you have a sleeping bag for him, does he get our of his sheets?

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Offline Sabine

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2006, 03:09:07 am »
Hi Sabine,

How many naps and how long were they then?

2 naps anywhere from 1-1.5h in am and afternoon.

You said he was waking at 6/6.30am but also said you were nursing him at 5-5.30am as well?? Sounds to me that he is still looking for that feed. 

 He gets it usually takes 7-8oz and the next bottle is at noon.

So for solids and bottles this looks fine the amounts are great so don't worry their.
Teething could be a problem my DD is currently teething 3 in 3 weeks and 4th coming through now >:( and i have found that she woke a few times at 6am instead of 6.30/45am.

I think his molars are coming through.  :-[

Another thing is could he be cold? They say 5am is the coldest part of the morning, do you have a sleeping bag for him, does he get our of his sheets.

he is tucked in nicely so I dont' think that is a problem.


Thanks for all your help ;D
« Last Edit: May 03, 2006, 03:10:59 am by Sabine »

Offline *Natasha*

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2006, 04:59:27 am »
Sounds like you are doing everthing great, solids and bottle intake is good, great naps and length so it could be that the 5am waking could be a habit thing that hopefully her will out grow or those darn teeth (boy i hate them especially if he is getting his molars  :o )
I hope i have been some help to you.
Good luck  :)

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Offline Sabine

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2006, 23:44:22 pm »
last few nights have been better ;D i don't know why.
haven't changed anything except pushed bedtime to 7:30 and now wakeups b/w 6-630 ???
drinking 24-26oz per day and eating solids and snacks well.
maybe the teething has passed

we'll keep plugging away.

thanks for all of your help and support

Offline *Natasha*

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Re: Please respond today Natasha Wells...
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2006, 05:30:10 am »
last few nights have been better ;D i don't know why.
haven't changed anything except pushed bedtime to 7:30 and now wakeups b/w 6-630 ???
drinking 24-26oz per day and eating solids and snacks well.
maybe the teething has passed

we'll keep plugging away.

thanks for all of your help and support

That is great i am glad things are working out for you. Sometimes a small change like moving bedtime is all it takes.
I am glad i was some help to you that is what i am here for  :D

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07