I don't believe in the "crying it out" theory to stop night feedings, make babies sleep, etc. I got up 2-3 times a night with my son until he was about five months old. Once he officially doubled his birth weight, I knew he could sustain himself through the night (a good 6-8 hours). We tried letting him cry, the whole ferber thing, but it DID NOT work. It made him worse. He just wasn't ready, so i kept it up. But then I started realized that he was eating for a few minutes, but then was really just sucking, so we tried teh binkie swap. Now when he cries, I send my husband up immediately to give him his pacifier/binkie. Usually, he'll take it and go back to sleep. This used to happen 2-3 times a night. Now he's down to once a night with this, and learning to put the binkie in himself. So this is good. Sometiems he does have a few nights of wanting to eat at midnight or 4am (like now, he's teething), but in general, our eight-month old is doing well. But the REAL winner to weening him from eating all night long and sleeping was putting him to bed awake. It did two things 1) since I jostled him awake (not wide awake, just drowsy enough to realize he was being put to sleep in his crib), he had a chance to tell me if he was still hungry or not before going to sleep, and 2) he not only learned to go to sleep on his own, but he goes back to sleep during the night on his own because he doesn't wake uip freaking out going "where did mommy go?" because he is exactly where he remembers last being. These things made a big difference. but now, if i could just figure out how to get him to sleep past 4am, we'd be good. But in general, he sleeps from 8:30-6, eats, sleeps again until 7, then up. Not bad.