Author Topic: Help? Am i doing it right or where am I going wrong? slightly disillusioned!  (Read 1781 times)

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Offline alimommy

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I posted the other day to explain that I only started EASY on Monday - inter alia, I was looking for a way to get my lo to sleep through the night - I was unsure whether I should be on the 3 hour or the 4 hour as although my lo was only 3 months old on 21st April - he was born at 42 weeks and was very big at over 10 pounds. I have still found that my days have been all over the place and today has really confused and somewhat disillusioned me.

Where bw methods have worked - I have mastered the shush/pat method to get him to sleep - I do not need to resort to pu/pd as shush/pat is enough so I can now get him to nap during the day in his cot. I have also been able to shush/pat him back to sleep during the night without feeding him - whereas before he would wake up twice and I would feed him to get him back to sleep - accidental parenting or what! I have also implemented the cycle of E.A.S.Y whereas before sometimes he would sleep after eat.

Where it does not seem to be working is that before EASY, whilst my routine was less structured my lo would have 2 or 3 naps each day, sometimes as long as 2 hours in his pram or car seat whilst we were out and about. Since Easy I have been housebound. His naps have also been for some short durations or I have had to help him over a sleep cycle and hence I am disillusioned as to how this is better?
Also since starting Easy it has become more difficult to get him down at night.  Before Easy I would bath, feed and put him to bed between 7-8 and he would stay asleep until 2 or 3am but now he wakes up before.  He is also still waking during the night!

Sorry this is so long but I need to be descriptive to get the right help!  Below is what happened yesterday and today


7.15 - Woke him up ( he had put himself to sleep at 6.40 after having been awake since 6)

E & A until 8.35 - picked up on sleepy cues so put to bed.

8.45 sleep until 9.30 so did shush/pat back to sleep after 30 mins @ 10 until 10.50

E & A until 12.30 - he put himself to sleep at 12.40

He woke at 1.25 so did shush/pat until 1.50 when he then slept until 2.40

E & A until 4.20 - napped for 45 mins

Bath and E - in bed by 7.20.  Woke up at 8, 8.30 and 10.50 just as we were going in with dream feed! Gave dream feed  and then he woke at 1.30, 3.30, 5.00 and 6.00 with lots of shush/patting in between.

The above seemed all over the place but you will note that my lo had 5 feeds plus dream feed but does not seem to be taking much food.  he is never on the breast for long any way as he can down 6 oz in under 10 mins! No exaggeration! There is no problem with feeding as he is over 17 lbs at 15 weeks old! He is simply a guzler.

I therefore thought that perhaps he should be on the 4 hour easy afterall but today didnt work either.  He is too sleepy to stay up for the 2 hours but he does not seem interested in 3 hourly feeds either. This is what happened today:

He was awake before 7 but I did not feed him until 7,.

A until 8.30 as he was clearly sleepy.  Put to bed at 8.30 he asleep by himself at 8.40.  Helped him through his wake cycle and he slept until 10.15.

I tried to put off his feed until 11 but only succeeded until 10.30.  A until 11.50 and when he put himself to sleep until 12.55 - he was rooting for food and I got confused about the time so fed him but he then became disinterested and began grinning at me but whilst yawning so I put him straight back to bed and when he slept for one hour until 2.20.

E at 3.00 and again he became sleepy at 3.45 so put him in his cot but no sleep until 4.45 and then he woke at 5.30.

E at 5.40 bath and in bed and asleep by 7.10

You will note that today he has only had 4 main feeds and one snack when he caught me out - I will be giving him his dream feed but am now worried whether he has had enough food and if he wakes in the night is it because of hunger or not?

I feel like I just cant get it right and as I said at the beginning am now becoming very disillusioned.  I still just dont know whether I should be working on a 3 hour or 4 hour cycle and so if anyone can tell from the last two days - which have been very different! please HELP

Offline Lªuren

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Alison congrats on all your success so far....  :D it is early days yet so don't feel so disillusioned with it.

I am going to leave the post in this forum at the moment, but I am going to seek out some sleep mods to help you.

I tried to put off his feed until 11 but only succeeded until 10.30. 

If this is a dreamfeed you are doing, it can be done anytime between 10-11pm

Lauren x

Offline alimommy

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just to clarify - the feed I was trying to put off until 11 was this mornings feed as I was trying to get him on the 4 hour schedule but he wouldnt wait that long! so i had to give it him at 10.30

Offline corrina01

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((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) first of all

You seemed to have got a great routine there and you are managing to get him to sleep again after the 45 min sleep cycle.

You say he is not interested in 3hr EASY, why not try a 3.5 EASY, that is what I did with my DD from 4 - 6 month.

You say he is just 3 months, it could be a growth spurt, so feed him if he is hungry during the night.

Have you tried cluster feeds?
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline alimommy

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Thanks for the advice - but today he kept on the 4 hour plan, seemed very happy and ate well at his feeds and so i think that is the one for him.  He does however seem to be developing a pattern whereby he wakes up about 6.15-6.30 in the morning but plays in his cot quite happily so I do not get him up till 7 and when i feed him but then he is obviously tired earlier in the mornings.  Should i try and put him back to sleep when he wakes or should i just accept that he likes to wake at that time?

Offline Kimberly®

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If your LO wakes that time everyday then its best to start his day at that time. Remember the EASY is a routine, not a shedual :) Follow your LO"s lead and you can't go wrong. If your LO is waking at 6:30 then you'll need to concider that when you set your first nap and therefore, the entire day afterwards. Also start putting your LO to bed for the night at 7pm, if he's that tired by 8:30 he's overtired and that is likly the cause for all the night wakings. Try to keep the dreamfeed at the same time everynight, 10:30 is a good time. You'd be amased the difference 20 minutes can make :) In the AM if your LO wakes at 6:30 and is content to play in hjis crib by all means leave him be, but remember that thats A time and just put him down a little earlier thats all.



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If it were me I would start the day when he wakes too. But if you want to leave him in the crib until 7am then the first activity time needs to be a bit shorter or he will become overtired. So then the first cycle will be more like a 3 hour EASY, and then the rest can be 3.5-4 hours. At 3 months old, a 3.5 hour EASY might be better for him, stretching to 4 hours at 4 months. But see how he does, watch for his tired signals. Also  I would put him to bed before 8.30pm if he seems really tired.

Hope this helps!