Author Topic: desperate for some help... wont nap for more than30-45 mins  (Read 1433 times)

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Offline rinach

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HI all

I Could really really do with some advice.

I have a 9wk old son who will not nap for more than 30 to 45 minutes.  he is still really tired put wakes up and just cries and cries and is generally really unhappy as he gets soooo over tired.  He has a great sleep time routine.  Fed by daddy at 6.30 bath with mum and dad and then another feed  ( 0nly takes a small amount ) and then swaddled and putin moses basket awake for about 7.30 and .7.45 and is asleep between 8pm and 8.15pm.

I just can not seem to get him to sleep during the day though.

I have tried patting him on his chest and shushing him to try and get him back off but he just gets hysterical until he is picked up and then still caries on crying.  I know he is still tried as he carries on yawning and rubbing his eyes.

I have also tried the 4s and seems to go down ok just once he wakes up cant get him back off so he just so unhappy during the day and cries for most of it.

Would really appreciate some help and tips.

many thanks

Rina and Kameron

Offline rinach

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Re: desperate for some help... wont nap for more than30-45 mins
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 17:29:35 pm »

yes i do swaddle

  Re: wont dring more than 3oz at feeds
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2006, 05:18:22 PM »     


6.00 - wakes up crying, calmed down nappy change and feed made
6.30 - feed - about 2 1/2 to 3 oz
7.15 - sleeps
7.45 - wakes up crying
hysterical crying till 9.30am maybe get 30 mins play out of him if i can get him to calm down.

9.30 - feed - 3 to 4 oz
10am - activity
11am - try and get him to nap with great difficulty - lots of crying and maybe get 30mins nap out of him if im lucky

12.15 awake - nappy change and feed ready
12.30 - 3 to 4 oz
1pm - activity
2pm - again try and get him to nap with lots of difficulty - again maybe get 30 mins nap out of him at a push lots of crying and tantrums

3.15 - awake nappy change and feed ready
3.30 - 3 to 4 oz feed
4pm - activity
5pm - no chance of nap and lots of hysterics

6.30 - last feed 3to 4 oz
7pm - bath massage
7.30 in moses basket awake few tears but goes down after about 15 mins and falls asleep on his own after about 30 mins

dream feed at 9.30 - 2 to 3 oz

dream feed at 11.30 - 1 to 2 oz

awake between 2 and 3am for 2oz feed
awake from 5.30am  crying

I seem to be doing ok with the night time routine and he adapted to that really quickly and we have been doing that since he was 7 weeks old but for love nor money can not get his daytime routine sorted out at all.

I have tried taking him into our room where his crib is and its completley blacked out and have done shush pat with so calm him down ready for his nap but as soon as iits nap time he just cries and cries he is so tired but refuses to sleep eventully he will fall asleep in my arms and i put him down in his crib and sometimes he is ok sometimes he cries so i do shush/pat.  the times he stays asleep he is ok for 30 to 45 mins but then starts crying in his sleep first its a little cry then a few mins later its a bigger cry and then its an all out screem and he wakes himself up.  I have also tries when he makes the first cry putting my hand on his chest and doing shush but even that dosent seem to work. 

I really am stuck now and would really appreciate some advice as im just so tired and hate to see my lo so distressed all day.

many thanks in advance

Rina & Kameron - 9wks and 4 days

Offline rinach

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Re: desperate for some help... wont nap for more than30-45 mins
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 18:29:03 pm »
Hi Stacy

Ive been to my dr and they say his examination is fine, im really concerned about him crying in his sleep and took him back again but im sure they thought I was just being a typical paniky first time mum.

As for his milk - ive tried to change it and he wont take anything else I spoke to the dr about this and he is not being sick after a feed and he is putting on weight ok (he is 12lb 4 as of today - 9wks 4 days) they dont think it is the formula or reflux and im sure its not wind as he burps after everyfeed and i always test to see if he has wind by bringing his legs up to his tummy i know if he cries in pain he still has wind.

Im so at a loss as he just gets so over tired and is just so grumpy all day. 


Rina and Kameron

Offline rinach

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Re: desperate for some help... wont nap for more than30-45 mins
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 18:47:42 pm »

Yes have tried feeding  him again 10 to 15 mins after initinally feeding him ans somtimes he takes maybe 1/2 an oz and the rest he just cries and spits it out.

Wind down is at activity first yawn or 1h 30 from start of easy which ever comes swaddle him and take him to his room which is completly blacked out and hold and do shush pat for at least 10 to 15 mins  but most of the time he starts to cry as soon as i start to swaddle him so by the time 15 mins into wind down has come he is hysterical some times if he calms down and i put him down in his crib and he just shreaks, I have even tried pu/pd but he dosent even stop crying when i pick him up as he is so tired and knows i will put him down again as soon as he stops.  in the end he gets so worked up he can't calm himself down and it takes ages.