We sure are, Shannon! We live in Charleswood!
I agree with your suggestion that with a tummy ache maybe a feed will help them feel better and relax. I always find a lot of the gas comes out the bottom end when he's feeding! I think I'm not going to worry about how long it's been since he's eaten if he wakes up with gas and just feed him since he's up an hour and a half and ends up needing to eat anyways! I tried that once a few nights ago when we were away on our trip visiting family in Toronto and he went right back down at the 1am wake up but then was up at 4 for an hour before I finally fed him again. Guess as long as it's at least 3 hours apart, I may as well feed him anyways!
We go through lots of gripe water. I usually give it to him before each feed on days he is especially gassy or when it's been a few days since he's pooped. I haven't given ovol for a while only because the gripe water seems to do the same thing for him anyways, so it's just better having it in the house since it serves so many purposes! Apparently, babies have even more gas problems flying so I gave Brenden a shot of gripe water before the take off and landing feeds I gave him on the plane and he did great (could be coincidence but I would do it again and not chance it!) The doctor suggested we could also put a warm wash cloth on his tummy when he is having gas problems because they get very tense and it helps them relax so they can work it out more easily. My mom gave us something called a "bed bug" when we were home which is like one of those rice shoulder pain things that you heat in the microwave or cool in the freezer except it's a small, round, fleecy, cute little bug. I may try that on his tummy tonight if he has pains again. He was straining a lot when I put him down at bedtime so I rubbed his tummy gently for a few minutes and that also seemed to relax him because shortly after he settled down, got some more out and fell asleep.
We're hoping we get a few more hours out of him after he had cereal for the first time tonight. He guzzled it down, it was so cute! He giggled with the first few bites and then being the spirited baby that he is, got mad because he wanted to keep his hand on the spoon and help guide it to his mouth each time! I was very surprised that he actually got more down than on him! Less than an hour later he took a full feed before bed so his belly should be nice and full. I wanted to try wake to sleep for his 11pm waking tonight (it worked for us before for a habitual waking when I was doing the dream feed) but my hubby thinks (and I agree) that we should wait it out tonight and see if he sleeps longer with the extra food. If he doesn't, then I'll do wake to sleep tomorrow.