Author Topic: please help - ressettling after night feed has gone to pot!  (Read 1118 times)

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Offline Maisiesmum

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Hi Guys, my lo is now 3 months old. Up til recently I had no problem settling her back to sleep after her night feeds (b/f). But suddenly in the last two weeks she often takes up to 2 hrs ( last night was 2.5) to resettle. She sleeps in our room, and is fed in darkness with no talking etc. She is usually asleep in my arms from her feed but the minute I put her down she wakes and although she is clearly very tired she starts babbling very loudly - I try to allow her to chat herself to sleep but it usually ends up with crying at which point I use a dummie and stroke her head. She continuously knocks the dummie out and I often think it is wind, but nothing happens when I wind her. About a week ago we transfered her to her cot rather than her carrycot next to me thinking that the distance may stop her need for attention but this has clearly not worked. I think by this time she is overtired?. Quite often having got her to sleep she then wakes at 5 requiring lots of resettling and then 6 - at which point I have been known to bring her into our bed and she sleeps no problem!
She has also started waking earlier for this feed - she used to go til 3 or even 4 or 5 but now it is 2 if I'm lucky!

I am very confused - she seems all over the place at night - her daytime routine is fine and she goes down really well for her naps although only for 45 mins - 1 hr.

Any suggestions would be great as I am finding this most frustrating having tried very hard from the start to ensure this problem did not occur!

Her routine is as follows

E 7am b/f
A play with daddy
S 9-10

E 10- 10.30 b/f
A play on mat or in pushchair if out
S 12-12 45

E 1.30 b/f
A out for walk/shopping
S 3-4

E 5.00 b/f
A Play with Daddy then relax in swing

E 6.30 (formula feed)
S 7-7.30

E 2am ish

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: please help - ressettling after night feed has gone to pot!
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2006, 04:37:11 am »
Have you considered moving her to her own room at all? I think it may be time. If she's in her own room she may be able to sleep better since there will be less noise and stimulation (they hear everything  ::) )

When she first starts to fuss, is she crying or is it just making noise and fussing? My DD did this for a while and it turned out I was going to her to soon and the more I tried to settle her the more awake she became. Thats why I suggested the move.


Offline Maisiesmum

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Re: please help - ressettling after night feed has gone to pot!
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2006, 21:03:50 pm »
Thanks very much for the reply - I was getting a little frustrated!

We have considered putting her in her own room but are reluctant as we only live in a two bed flat and the second bedroom (her room) is our main access to the garden, so only wanted to do this as a last resort - maybe now is the time! - we were hoping to last until the end of the summer, we plan to move early next year.

I have been more successful in resettling her after her feed, the last two nights have been back to feed and settle within an hour but her wakings remain quite regular at 12 then 1.30 (when I feed now) then 5 and 6. In answer to your question usually she will start out fussing and I will leave her for as long as possible - i.e. when the fussing becomes a cry. (I have tried very hard to ensure that I don't 'jump' at the first sound.)  She will then take about 30mins to settle back down. Unfortunately I can't stop myself bringing her into bed at the 5 wakin if she has not resettled by 6 - she will then always be asleep withing 10 mins - although this has only happened a hand ful of times.

We did realise last night that this pattern started when we changed her night time formular feed from the ready made variety to the powdered variety, we have changd it back in the hope that this might be the problem?

I have also noticed some people recommending waking b4 they wake - do you think this may be worth a try? Also wandered about doing an 11 oclock dream feed?

So many theories, and so little sleep!
Do you think any of these are worth a try or do you think she should really go in her room.

many thanks again - your advice is very much appreciated as this weekend has been very difficult and I am not looking forward to this week.