Author Topic: New to EASY  (Read 861 times)

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Offline marlanav

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New to EASY
« on: May 29, 2006, 14:21:51 pm »
Hello Everyone,
  I'm new around here and I can't believe all of the information posted!  My son Matthew will be 8 weeks old on Wednesday and we just started the EASY routine on Friday.  I think everything is going well, he is still waking up between 2 and 4 for a feed, then he is generally awake and ready to go between 6:30 and 6:45.  Not sure if I should try the shhhh and pat for that middle of the night feed and see how that goes?  Any suggestions anyone?  Also, I'm having a difficult time know how long Matthew should be awake for.  This morning he's been awake since 645 and I've been shh and patting for a while trying to get him to nap, it's now 1020 and I think he's finally settled.  Is 1 hour - 1.5 hours a good guideline for awake time at this age?  I've been following his cues, but it's like he doesn't want to miss anything!!!

Offline skibbit

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Re: New to EASY
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2006, 22:37:50 pm »
first off, a baby that age only needs minimal activity time i think. my baby was up about 30 min at that age. he cant stay up long though even now at 5 months ,he can only stay awake for an hour before he gets tired. i would check the posts on how long 1-3 month olds can have A time for.
a bay about 2 months old should be on a 2.5-3  hour easy. you should feed him when he wakes up and then keep him up no longer than 45 min to an hour(including the feeding time) and then put him down for the remainder of the time(about 1.5-2 hours). he needs the sleep more than the A at this age. keep that in mind. are you having trouble with naptime or keeping him asleep? what is your bedtime ritual? you need to be very consistant at this age when you teach them how to sleep. you must do the same thing each time they go to sleep for a nap and ditto for the bedtime. make sure he doesnt was to miss anything by taking him to his room and swaddling him tight (highly recomended) and then cuddleing him for a few min and making sure hes calm before you put him in his crib. do the pat sush. i have to also close the blinds and covewr his eyes with my hand before he will sleep. be sure to stay consistant. ;)
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