gosh - never a bother - PM m e or IM me anytime...
there is a thread in nap or general sleep i answered about a 10.5 mo old going to 1 nap and wrote a lot more details there, but to answer your questions
1. i give lunch at 11-11:30 depending on day and how hungry the kids are (today liv ate poorly at breakfast which is quite common for her and was grazing since 10am and i sat them down for lunch before 11 for a change). we always start lunch by 11:30
2. i would have to check when we dropped afternoon bottle but i think it was around 9-10 mo and the nap change was at 11 mo - if you go to 1 nap and stil lhave afternoon bottle i woudl just do it after waking up. currently we do bottle after breakfast on days she asks (was 8:30 until 2 weeks ago), bottle at 12:30/1 and bottle before bed
3. it is a total crap shoot. it took liv less than 2 weeks to settle into naps of minimum 1hr30 and usually is 2hr 15-2hr 30 and occasionally 3 hrs. some moms on the jan/feb thread took more like a month or more to get longer naps. don't know until you try
also - for a month or so liv added to her overnight sleep on days when she took 1hr 30-2hr naps so added an extra hour overnight. these days she does 2-3hrs daytime and 11 overnight.
in the beginning we kept her up to 12:30 and eventually it moved to 1pm or later. she woudl never nap if i let her play all day so i have to drag her off to her room by 1pm and chill out with a bottle. some people move gradually - for us it was better to go straight form having a nap at 9:30 to shifting it to 12:30 - i don't know why but it worked for her. in between that was overtiredness, but if we waited long enough she got 2nd wind and was happier staying up.