You're both so sweet. Thanks for "listening". I wish he were ok with his 45 min naps, but if I take him out of his crib following one, he tires with 30 mins of so...
Generally, his day looks like this:
7 AM awake, 7-8 oz bottle, activity
9 AM nap
11 AM awake, 7-8 oz bottle, activity
1 PM nap
3 PM awake, 7-8 oz bottle, activity
4:30/5 short (45 min) nap
7 PM 7-8 oz bottle
7:30 bedtime
The day changes a bit depending on what time he wakes up. Aside from this last week, he usually gets up around 7:15 AM-ish. This past week he's been up between 4:30-6 AM!! Nonetheless, I never take him out of his crib until 7 AM. I should mention that he doesn't cry. The just sort of occasionally "barks". The day also varies depending on the length of his naps. Sometimes they are a total of 1.5 hours. Usually I get 2 hours in b/c it includes the time it takes him to fall back to sleep after the 45 min min-nap. I struggle a bit with the third nap b/c sometimes he doesn't get sleepy until after 5 PM and this starts to interfer with getting him to bed at 7:30. Lastly, I put him down for his naps based on his sleepy cues, so occasionally this 'A' time is longer than 2 hours, especially btwn the 2nd and 3rd nap. So, that's our day!
Oh, I should probably mention that he is still swaddled. A nurse at his pediatrician's office suggested that this could be the cause of the short naps. Perhaps he wants to roll over or stretch his arms... All I know for sure is that he loves his swaddle. Do you think I should wean him off of it?