Author Topic: How much activity time for 9 month old?  (Read 3505 times)

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2006, 21:22:04 pm »
Well today I woke her up at 7 am and then she slept with a little fussing for the first nap but I had to wake her up from that at 12 noon.  Then she would not take her after noon nap which I tried to put her down for at 3:15.  I reread Tracy's book and there was something about a mom who's baby was only 8 months and only taking one nap a day who was freaking out and Tracy couldn't understand why she was upset.  I think I will not wake her up from naps and then if she doesn't take the last nap it won't be such a big deal.  I think I'll just follow my daughter and see how that goes for a while, one or two naps as long as she's happy.

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2006, 22:43:49 pm »
What time did her first nap start?

You can always give it a try - just watch that she doesn't get overtired in the afternoon/evenings, which can lead to nightwakenings. Otherwise, if it works for you and DD, that's always a good thing!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2006, 13:40:35 pm »
Hi,first nap started at about 10:30.  So I figure one long nap is better than nothing especially if she is not going to go for the second nap.  I'll try for a second nap but if she won't sleep, I can't make her and at least if I don't wake her from the first one we'll have that much more day sleep under our belt anyway.
Thanks for the help.

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2006, 13:45:00 pm »
You can always give it a try. My LO is only a wee bit younger and I know she'd be hideously overtired if she were up by noon or so for the rest of day. But all LOs are different and you have to see what works best. Just keep an eye on things - if no good you can try first nap from 10:30-11:30 and second nap from 3-4:30. Good luck.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2006, 17:43:32 pm »
Between 8-9 months, my ds began fighting naps so I thought he was trying to go to 1 nap per day.  However, within a few weeks, by the time he hit 10 months, he went back to taking 2 good naps a day.   I have heard this a lot with 8-9 months old.  It might have something to do with their new physical abilities?

I would say try to go with the flow for a while and it should sort itself out?


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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2006, 18:26:23 pm »
Thanks for the support TDR's mom.  I needed to hear that.  I think we all need to just go with the flow a little more.  She slept until 12:30 (2 hours) today and we have swimming at 4:30 so I''ll try a nap at about 3 but I'm not holding my breath.  She was fine until bedtime last night and slept well except for the hunger and leaky diaper.  So we'll see how today goes.
I think I'll try to call myself just goin' with the flow Tracey from now on! ;)

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2006, 14:02:57 pm »
Hi Tracefo

How was swimming?  How's everything going?  I know it can be tough dealing with a fussy baby who does not want to nap....


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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2006, 20:14:34 pm »
 Sorry it took so long to reply this time.  I'm trying to go with the flow but I'm going a bit crazy!  She has refused to afternoon nap most days this week.  She almost fell asleep at the breast before bed last night but what can I do?  I can't make her sleep!  I'm toying with the idea of waking her up after an hour in the morning but I'm not crazy about the idea as I want her to have as much day sleep as possible.  I'm also toying with just going for a later morning nap.  I takes her at least 30 minutes to fall asleep as it is so maybe she is ready for just one nap.  She's been a notorious 45 minute napper most of her short life so maybe she doesn't need as much sleep as other babies!  Any ideas?
Still trying to go with the flow Tracey

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2006, 11:58:27 am »
Hi Tracefo,

Try not to go crazy!!  You just have an intelligent, very alert daughter who does not want to miss anything!!!

My ds was also notorious for 45 minute naps, so I was not a fan of waking him up to try and get him to nap later on or longer.  I was always grateful for any sleep that he got during the day.   I actually find that he naps better if I put him down around 9AM sometimes 9:30AM for his morning nap and then again around 1:30PM for his afternoon nap.  He is usually awake in the afternoon from 3ish till his 7PM bedtime.

I know many people think that it is too soon (2 hours) to put them down again for a morning nap but that's what worked for us so that he was not overtired. 
So actually, he has 2 short A times and a much longer one before bedtime.

How is she doing without the afternoon nap?  Is she fussy? 

When ds was fighting his naps, he was not overly fussy so we just tried to live with it and keep him occupied till it sorted itself out.  We stopped trying to "FORCE" him to nap because it frustrated everyone and I found myself obsessing over it.  I had to try and "let it go".   Eventually he got back to 2 decent naps a day.  I think it took a good 3 weeks and it was like a switch went on???!?!?!?

I hope I am not being discouraging.  I just want you to know that you are not alone and this will not last forever.

Good luck!!  Keep us posted!

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2006, 12:19:09 pm »
On the contrary, you are being very encouraging.  Thank-you so much.  It makes me less likely to think it's something I'm doing when I'm not the only one!!!    I'm hoping her switch is activated soon.  She sounds a lot like your DS, mabe we could have them chat and sort each other out! :D  I think for now, I am going to watch for the tired signs, although they've never been very obvious or predictive of her needing to go to sleep, and put her down when she seems to need it.  I have seen her yawning a lot earlier than I thought she was tired. 
She's seems ok (not grumpy) without that last nap by the end of the day except that she is very tired.   We've tried to put her to bed earlier but when we did that she screamed until the regular bed time!  Grrrrrrr!
We are having some trouble with her waking up at night for a feed and then not going back to sleep.  I know she wakes because she's hungry because she takes a full feed but then most nights she won't go back to sleep.  This has been going on for a month and has happened before during a growth sput but how long can she spurt!  I can't get her to take more during the day.  I don't mind feeding her at night but I would sure like her to go right back to sleep!  I think a lot of this has to do with all of the new tricks she's learning lately and the teething.
Anyway, I'm hanging in there thank-you so much for your support.  It so glad I'm not alone in not trying to FORCE sleep, it just seems pointless because if she doesn't want to sleep she's not going to!  And you're right it's not worth the frustration!!
Thanks again you really are a life line right now!

Offline TDR'smom

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2006, 23:32:55 pm »
Hi Tracefo,

What time does she wake up for her night feed?  Would it help to push her dinner (solids) to 6PM?  Just a thought.

Careful not to try and change too many things at one time (I know it is hard with all the suggestions being thrown out)  We made that mistake of getting frustrated after 1-2 days/nights with something and then changing it.  Then you don't know what works and doesn't work.

Keep your chin up.  And hug your beautiful daughter.

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2006, 12:05:52 pm »
She wakes up a different time each night.  She even sleepsw through every once in a while.  This waking up happened at the 6 month growth spurt and eventually sorted itself out.  The last two nights we had to feed her twice before she would go back to sleep.  Maybe she just needs more cuddle time before she goe back to sleep. 
Three weeks you said?  I'm counting the days!!!!
Thanks for your support,

Offline TDR'smom

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Re: How much activity time for 9 month old?
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2006, 17:20:51 pm »
How is your dd doing?!?!?

Just wanted to check in!! :)