Author Topic: Feeding enough at 5 mths?  (Read 1146 times)

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Offline jakes-mum

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Feeding enough at 5 mths?
« on: May 27, 2006, 22:58:12 pm »
My ds is now 5 mths old (he was born 3 wks 5 days early - not sure if this is relevent), since birth I have had to set the alarm clock to feed him and have been lucky enough that he does not cry that much (once or twice a week, at last count!!!).

As he has never cried for food I have had to set the feeding pattern and up until 2 weeks ago I was feeding him every 4 hrs - 5 times a day, including waking him at 10.30 - 11.00 pm for a dream feed.  He was taking 7oz each feed, (in line with 2.5oz per oz in weight in 24 hr period!!), however was constantly spitting up milk anything up to 3 hrs after a feed (excluding his dream feed). I think he might be greedy as even though he never asks for a feed, he also has never refused any of his feed.

2 weeks ago that all changed, he had a bad cough and cold and started to refuse some of his feed, he is now better he has started taking his 7oz again, and spitting up.  I though I would try and see how long he would go at night and let him ask to be fed (feed on demad - right?).  He had his last feed at 7.00pm and he slept though till 7.00 in the morning - so he is now down to just 4 feeds a day - 28oz instead of 35oz!. So I increased the amount per feed to the following:- 8.5oz, 7.5oz, 7.5oz and 8.5oz (32oz) - guess what spitting up again.

I am going to stick with 28oz - can anyone advise if this is enough, also as six months is approaching has anyone got any advise on a weening pattern for a baby who is only taking 4 feeds a day, as all the info I can find is based on 5 feeds a day nd I am very confused?


Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Feeding enough at 5 mths?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2006, 23:09:10 pm »
That should be enough :) thats how much my LO took at that age too, and she's fine. 35oz is an average, some take more some less. If you find he starts waking to feed, then its time to add more, if he's still sleeping through and he's not cranky, I wouldn't worry :)


Offline *Natasha*

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Re: Feeding enough at 5 mths?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2006, 23:15:33 pm »
We were also having 4 bottles at this age 28ozs is fine. Anywhere from 24-32ozs in fine.

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
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Offline jakes-mum

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Re: Feeding enough at 5 mths?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2006, 19:27:40 pm »
Thanks for your relpys - it's difficult to know as he is such a good baby - but I keep telling myself that if he was hungry and not stisfied he WOULD cry ????!!!!???