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International Plane Travel
« on: June 11, 2006, 19:40:49 pm »
Except taken from Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers by Tracy Hogg

Time Changes and Traveling Tots

It may surprise you to know that infants and toddlers who travel by air usually adapt more easily to time changes; at least for the first three years of life, they go with the flow far more easily than most adults. If you’re traveling to a place within a three-hour or less time difference, and you’ll be there three days or less, it’s not necessary to change your child’s routine. If, however, you will be there for more than three days — say, on an extended vacation—you’ll need to help her switch gears. It’s a good idea to factor in the time change when you make your airline reservations. It’s always easier to gain time than lose it.

Daylight savings time changes. In October, almost all of the U.S. “falls” back (gains an hour of sleep). Put your child to bed an hour later, and that will make up the hour. In April, we “spring” ahead (lose an hour of sleep). Shorten the afternoon nap by one hour, SO that she’ll be ready to go to bed earlier that evening and will be less likely to feel the time change.

Coast-to-coast Westbound; (gaining three hours). This IS the easier coast-to-coast trip, because we’re adding more hours to the child’s day. It’s best to leave at mid-day East Coast time and allow your child to have his afternoon nap on the plane. ‘You will arrive at three in the afternoon West Coast time, and the transition to get him to sleep at his usual bedtime routine will be relatively simple.

Coast-to Coast eastbound (losing three hours). It’s best to take an early flight, for instance nine in the morning Pacific time, arriving at SIX in the evening Eastern time. Keen your child awake for the entire trip, if possible. Distract her with activities; walk up and down the aisles. If you can’t keep her up, at least shorten her nap time (wake her three hours before landing), so that she’s more likely to get to bed at a reasonable hour.

Traveling for 5-8 hours westbound (gaining time). If you’re going from Europe to the US, for example, you would try and allow your child to sleep on the plane for most of the journey. Therefore, it is best to leave as late as possible, so it coincides with his normal bedtime hour.

Traveling for 5-8 hours eastbound (losing time). If you’re going to Europe from either coast, it’s best to leave on the earliest flight possible, between ten in the morning and noon. Allow your child to sleep for the first half of the journey, but make sure that you wake her three hours before you land.

Traveling for 15 hours or more, westbound (gaining time) for instance, going from L.A. to Hong Kong that is, depending on which way your flying, you lose or gain more than a half-day. So that day is apt to feel like night  to your toddler. It’s best to leave around midday, but know that you’ll be getting there a whole day later, because of the time changes. Try not to let your toddler take longer than 2-hour naps throughout the entire trip, effectively maintaining a typical afternoon routine.  By the time you get to your destination, he will be ready for his nighttime routine,

Traveling for 15 hours or more, eastbound (losing time). Coming back from the far east to the states is harder, because now you are losing so much time and spending 15hr on a plane. If you can, book an evening flight so that you can get your child to sleep for the first half of the journey. If you have to leave during the day, wake your child around 3 or 4 in the morning, so that by the time she’s on the plane. She’s ready to crash. No mater how you strategies, it will probably take your child 2 or 3 days to get back on track after this trip.

Air Travel Do and Don'ts

Air travel induces a survival-of-the-fittest attitude.  Your fellow passengers won't be understanding when your mountain of gear holds up the security belt or monopolizes the overhead bins, nor will they take kindly to your toddlers peeking or poking at them or crying during the flight.  Below are tips to make your trip smoother and avoid air rage

DO get a passport for every child - even the baby need one - and put one adult in charge of carrying eveyone's travel documents.

DON'T go to the airport without calling ahead to check on the status of your flight.

DO request the bulkhead - the extra room will come in handy.

DON'T sit on the aisle - passing food trolleys and passengers are hazards for small (curious) hands and (fidgety) feet.

DO board early - stow your gear before the masses pour onto the plane.

DON'T sit down while the rest of the plane is filling up - children are calmer on takeoff if they haven't had to sit for the previous half hour.  After storing your items overhead and under the seat, go to the back of the plane and stand there until the other passengers have taken their seats.

DO give your toddler a bottle (or breast if you haven't weaned him) on both the ascent and descent - the sucking may help to alleviate earaches.
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel