I thought I would put up another post and let you guys know what I finally figured out! So Leia, even with the new nipples still didnt want to eat this weekend. It has been such a fight and she screams and crys and pushes the bottle away when you bring it toward her mouth! I got so frustrated on Sunday and pretty much was crying and she was crying and I was just done and just handed her the bottle while I was still holding her. Well low and behold she took the bottle herself and starting eating! I thought If this has been the problem the last 2 weeks I will be amazed... So just to test out the theory, for her next feeding after her nap, I just handed her the bottle and guess what??? She ate happily with absolutly no problems and no crying! So now I just hold her and give her the bottle and she does it all on her own, appartenlty she is a very independent baby and wants to do it on her own. I just cant believe it was something so simple. And today at daycare she ate everything for them!!! I told them what to do and she is just a little happy camper now!!! So anyone else out there going through the same thing at this age I hope this will help you before you get to the point I was at! Lisa