How do you get a baby to wake up at a specific time in the morning? My 3 1/3 mo. LO wakes up anywhere from 4am-8 am. She wakes up and is ready to play…laughing, kicking, etc. How would you get them to go back to sleep in that kind of mood? I know that Tracey’s book says for them to wake up about 7. I just want to know how to do it. Since mine wakes up at various times, I cannot do “wake to sleep”. If I did, I would be up at 3 am waiting for her to awaken and who knows how long I would be just sitting waiting for her to wake up.
Our 3 hour-EASY schedule starts once she wakes up. So there is no “set time routine” for her. Her bedtime is 7:30, but she wakes up in 20 minutes, 45 minutes, etc. So she normally is not asleep for the night until 9:00. And she is still waking up at various times in the night. It can vary from 12 am-3 am. This cannot be corrected by “wake to sleep” either since it is not a set time.
Anything that I am forgetting?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks