Author Topic: silly question about reading  (Read 1575 times)

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silly question about reading
« on: June 07, 2006, 00:58:30 am »
I love reading to my LO. But he eats everything. I have to hold the book out from his grasp but all he wants to do is grab the book and eat the pages. So is he really benefitting from my reading?
If you do the same thing you always did, you get the same thing you always got.

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Re: silly question about reading
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 01:05:39 am »
Sykesville? You're in SYKESVILLE?!?!? OMG, you're close to me!!! (and I forget who's in Ellicott City) I live in Rockville!

OK, that said..... Natalie isn't much of a book reader, more of a book explorer. She'll play with them, flip pages, look at pictures, mess with flaps if there are any, but read with me? Nah, too busy! LOL

Might want to try looking at a book while he's in his high chair, maybe after he's finished eating but hasn't gotten down yet. It might engage his interest if he's not already looking to get down and tear around! LOL

Offline Erin M

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Re: silly question about reading
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2006, 16:49:52 pm »
In a word, YES!  He's picking up all sorts of things, the sound of language, the way the words/sentences fit together, the rhyme of the words (in books that rhyme), vowel/consonant sounds, stuff like that.  Plus, by you holding the book correctly (when he's not trying to eat it LOL), he's learning how books work -- front to back, left to right, how the pages turn. 

Also, you can always give him one book to eat and hold one for you to read. 

Offline TDR'smom

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Re: silly question about reading
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 16:58:51 pm »
DH sits in the rocking chair and reads to our DS.  DS sits on the floor and either plays or watched daddy (depending on his mood). 

We tried sitting with DS on our lap while we read, but just like your lo, he would try to eat or rip at the book.   :-\

Certain parts of stories DS will look up and laugh or react, so we know he is paying attention, even if he is playing.

So....YES!!! Please continue to read to your lo.
