stacy - sometimes (when his nappy NEEDS changing) he is fully awake, but most of the time, I just do a quick peek to check, and then pick him up and latch him on. feed him, lift him up and around for the other breast, and then put him back in the cot - most of which is accomplished without fully waking him up.
well - for the rest of the day, we had the dream feed at 10pm until 10:30pm, he woke at 2:20am, nappy change & full double feed, woke again at 5:30am, had soaked his nappy, his sleep suit, his sleeping bag AND the bedsheet! he also had turned from his tummy to his back and was the other end of the cot! fed him at 6am, he grizzled and sicked up. fed him again at 7am before going to work. I'm exhausted

DCP said he had half an hour from 9:30am until 10am, then he played until 11:50am when he fell asleep. and now I am going to wake him for his 2pm feed, followed by vaccination

his cradle cap & eczema is really bothering him as well.
what happened to my 10wk old angel that slept well at night (until 7am!?)