Author Topic: Activities for two....  (Read 1269 times)

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Activities for two....
« on: June 09, 2006, 14:59:39 pm »
Ok - I have never been really good at making up activities for my boys.  They are 15 months apart and I really need some ideas on how to have activity time for both at the same time.  I am usually at home, by myself during the day and lately the weather has been horrible (rainy and cold) so going outside is a no-go.  My oldest has ants in his pants so it would have to be something that keeps his interest....the little one can't crawl yet so as long as he is sitting with me he's fine.  But another reason I am looking for ideas is that I want them to start interacting with each other.  DS1 doesn't have much to do with his younger brother....and DS2 is so intrigued by his older sibling.  It's kind of cute the way he reaches for him and smiles (makes my heart melt).

So - any ideas out there??  Would appreciate any suggestions....


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Re: Activities for two....
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 15:15:57 pm »
have you tried balling rolling?  I know it sounds really obvious but Rachel adores it and has done since she could sit up on her own.  Of course I had to wait until I have someone else to play with but you have DS1 who can be opposite you and DS2 and you roll the ball between you.  Your older boy can be as adventurous as he wants and can do some ball skills which will amuse your younger son, and it teaches your younger son about rolling and catching.

another thing could be building towers - so your older son builds with blocks or cups or anything and then he asks your younger son to knock them down.  I am guessing that as boys they probably love the idea of destruction and so it should appeal to both.

hth  :D
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