Author Topic: HELP for 13 week old....multiple issues...Where to start??? LONG  (Read 1687 times)

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Offline xaverri

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Hi all.  I'm new here and in desperate need of help.  I have been pouring over books (BW books included), my head is spinning with theories and techniques, and I don't know where to start.  I'm feeling like a failure of a mother at this point...Here's the scoop...

My DS will be 13 weeks old tomorrow.  I have no real routine for him, although he is more on a A.E.S. routine, instead of E.A.S.  He has a VERY hard time falling asleep without a boob in his mouth - my fault, I know.  We have tried every size, shape, and brand of pacifier, but he won't take one of them. (He is showing interest in his fist, so I'm hoping maybe he'll find his thumb sooner or later!)  He will fall asleep if someone bounces with him on an exercise ball, or he sometimes will suck on someone's pinky finger. 

But it's usually the boob he wants.  In creating this bad habit, we've also created another one....he's a snacker.  Very rarely throughout the day can I get him to do a full nursing session (on both sides).  On the rare occasion that he willingly takes a bottle, it's only about 2 ounces of EBM.

During the day, once he is asleep, he will either 1) wake up as soon as he is put down, or 2) sleep for 20-30 minutes.  VERY RARELY will he sleep longer, unless someone is holding him or he is in his swing.

Our not-so-great "routine" at night looks like this...bath, jammies, nurse until asleep (which happens on and off while we get my 2 year old to bed), and then sleep in the swing (not moving) from around 9 pm - 11:30 pm.  Then I feed him (he usually eats well) and we go to bed.  We are co-sleeping at this point, although I am quite ready to stop.  We co-slept with my 2 year-old until he was 11 months, but this one is not working so well.  He rouses about every hour looking for the boob, which I quickly give to him so as not to cause crying that would also wake my 2 year old across the hall!  Needless to say, I'm exhausted, and my back is killing me in the morning.  Never during the night does he really EAT much, it's just comfort nursing.  But he is certainly addicted!  (My husband sleeps through all of this, BTW).  DS usually wakes for the morning around 7 am, when my 2 year old comes bounding onto the bed!

During Activity time, he is a happy, engaging baby!  But I certainly need to get some of these issues fixed.  I just don't know where to to I get him on E.A.S.Y....what's the first step?  Boob addiction?  Doing full feedings?  Sleeping in his crib??  Do I start the shh/pat method, or the pu/pd method, since he is just now 3 months?  AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

Also, we are leaving for vacation in a week.  Should I start anything now, or wait until we return?

BTW, did I mention my 2 year old has not been sleeping well either the past month?  I think he's a bit jealous.  Things are better, although he is still getting up once in the middle of the night.  Just looking for some empathy and support.

Any help, suggestions, step-by-steps, would be greatly appreciated.


Offline corrina01

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Re: HELP for 13 week old....multiple issues...Where to start??? LONG
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 13:53:09 pm »
Welcome to the BW boards  ;D

Here is a link on how to start easy

Read through it and if any more questions just ask.
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline HeatherC

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Re: HELP for 13 week old....multiple issues...Where to start??? LONG
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 17:17:50 pm »
Here is a link that contains info about how to stop the nursing to sleep.  Read down as the first parts may not apply to you.
1.  Do you know what temperment catergory your lo falls in?
2.  Have you tried pat/shush with him?
3.  Does he have his own room that you could begin to use for his sleeps?
I feel that first step in getting him on EASY would be to have more structure to his day with regular time intervals for his feedings (3 hrs at his age), and then getting him to nap the proper length of time during each EAS cycle.  This is going to require a lot of work on your part, a lot of time and energy commitment, to change the ways he is used to doing everything.  You will need to use Tracy's shush/pat method, or some variation of it, to send him off to sleep rather than bf'ing.  It won't work the first day, and maybe not even within the first 3 days, but if you are commited to changing what you feel are problems, then it will work.

Let us know how you feel about this and we'll give you some more suggestions.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline xaverri

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Re: HELP for 13 week old....multiple issues...Where to start??? LONG
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2006, 19:31:38 pm »
Thanks for the links...lots of helpful info.  Right now, LO seems to be a mix of textbook and touchy.  I have a feeling once we get him on track and sleeping well, he will be more textbook.  I have used shh/pat with him to get him to sleep, but I have not done it putting him down in his crib, just while holding him.  Yes, he does have a room/crib of his own that he can sleep in.

Thanks again!