Hi Marisa's mum, sorry i forgot to mention how old she is. My dd is 12 weeks old and i think it's more fussing than crying. This is roughly our schedule:
7-7.30: E
7.30-9.00: A
9.00-10.30/11: S
11.00: E
11.30-12.30/1.00: A
1.00-2.30/3.00: S
3.00: E
3.30-4.30: A
4.30-5.30: S (only about 30mins when we go for a walk in her pram)
6.00: Bath
6.30: E
7.00: Bedtime (wakes at 45 minute mark but seems to resettle herself.
10.30: DF
She will sometime wake up at 4am and i feed her, should i try and just resette her and hopefully she will sleep until 7.00?
How do i try and make her A time 2 hours? She seems to only be able to stay awake for an hour to an hour and a half , this in effect then cuts her nap time by half an hour and therefore she'll have to wait half an hour for her feed as i am feeding her 4 hourly (she is on formula - DF is expressed breast milk).