Hi Maddie and welcome to the BW boards
He takes 5-6 oz of formula at a feed and takes about 20 minutes to take the feed.
This sounds good to me, just like my DD, she used to take about 15-20 mins every feed.
How long should his naps last??
At his age within the 3hr EASY the naps should last at least 1.30hrs-1.45hrs, but no more than 2hrs.
If he sleeps longer than I expect between a and the next e should I wake him?
I would wake him to get him into the routine and eating every 3hrs.
I brought the 1st boOK would the second book have more Ideas on getting Alfie to nap
The second book (The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems) has a lot more information in it than the first book, right from the ages of newborn to toddler. This was a god send to me when my DD was alot younger.
Is it ok to pat his tummy as he hates being on his side.
Yes it is fine, as long as he is okay with you doing it. My DD didn't really like the pat, she only liked the shush part, but when she was really crying, I used to pat her shoulder.
If he is still awake through his s time even when I'm doing shush pat should I feed him at e time when it comes around despite him not having slept
I think yes to the question. If he is crying throughout his S time, he would be hungry as crying expends more energy. Just put him straight to bed afterwards.
What time is best for bed time, and when should Alfie bath
I always did work from 7am Wake up and 7pm Bed time. You could always do 7.30am wake up 7.30pm bed time. As long as it is within the a 12 hour period.
I always give my DD a bath before bed, this calms DD down.
I don't think I can see much difference in his crying types will this come with time? Or is it just a case of guessing what it is?
This will come, the clue is if you have just fed Alfie, you can rule out hunger, he is either tired or in pain.
Here is a bit of info on touchy babies, it was taken from the second book
EATING: Tend to get easily frustrated, and anything can upset their desire to eat-flow, body position, conditions in the room. If breastfed, may have trouble latching on and difficulty getting a sucking rhythm. Will balk at any kind of change or if you talk too loud. Refuse solids at first you have to be persistent.
ACTIVITES: Very cautious about new toys, new situations, new people, and need a lot of support in such instances, or when going through any kind of transition. They tend to have low activity levels, and need to be encouraged to participate. They're usually less sensitive in the morning and better at one-on-one play than groups. Avoid afternoon play dates.
SLEEP: Extremely important to swaddle and block out stimulation. If you miss their "sleep window", these babies get so overtired that it takes at least twice as long to get them to sleep. They tend to go back to sleep in midmorning h)r a long stretch and only catnap in the afternoon.
MOOD: They're sometimes cranky in the delivery room, where the bright lights seem to overwhelm them. They are highly irritable, very reactive to and easily upset by external stimulation.
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: A real crybaby. The slightest thing sets him off .He's not good with other people. He always ends up in my lap or clinging to my leg.