hi - my LO is on 4 hour easy and has slept thru from 7pm for the last 2 weeks. I dont mean to sound ungrateful but I would like to change her wake up time - currently it is between 5:50 qnd 6:30am. I would really like to make it 7 or 7:30 if possible.. any ideas on how I can, or am I being unrealistic.
When she does wake up she is wide awake and usually pretty hungry - as in doesnt want toy time etc until later.. do babies naturally move the wake up time as they get older, or is this her clock and therefore will she be resistant to change?
She is 17 weeks old. I havent tried PU/PD or ssh pat for this problem as she is wide awake and there is no way that I can see her drifting back off for an hour.
The 4 hour easy is going well - a 2 hour nap in the morning, although the afternoon one is more hit and miss - sometimes only an hour, followed by a catnap between 5 and 6 and in bed by 7pm after bath and last feed. Although it is nice not to be feeding quite so often, I find the 4 hour routine more restricitve in terms of when I can go out, as the naps are longer and so the old 1 hour ones that she could take in the car etc arent really practical anymore