The 3 hr routine doesn't go into the night, at least not the A part. However, at a young age as your dd's, those feeding intervals in the night are not uncommon. As the pp said, if she will accept a paci, that is a great way to rule out the need for comfort suckling vs. hunger. Also, keep in mind that babies will stir during the night (they are not always peaceful sleepers) and will resettle on their own if given the chance. You will know when she really needs you b/c she'll cry.
The only thing I could recommend would be to try the df a bit earlier. Sometimes, if you go too late into the night sleep, it can disrupt the pattern of sleep, hence the waking 1.75 hrs later. That's just a thought.
Once her tummy gets larger, she'll be able to spread out her feedings and then she won't require one in the night for many hours.