Author Topic: How much milk at 7 months?  (Read 1186 times)

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How much milk at 7 months?
« on: July 19, 2006, 18:42:33 pm »
Posted my weaning issues on that board earlier this week and someone on there suggested that Caspar might not want food - despite the fact that he did 2 weeks ago - cos he drinks too much milk...

Now IRL only 1 other mum I know FF her baby (who is older than C and established with weaning), so I need some help from you lovely ladies out there.

Does this sound like "too much" milk for a 7 month old?

7am 6-7oz
11am 7-8oz
3pm 7-8oz
7pm 10oz

Caspar's always loved his milk and averages 31oz a day now (used to be 35-40oz so he's cut back!)

I'm thinking of trying a wee bit of food before the 11am feed, just to see if lack of hunger is the reason he won't try it afterwards...


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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 18:49:27 pm »
When Calum was 7months he took (on average):

7.30 6 - 8oz (inc's 2oz in his readybrek)
12.00 6 - 7oz + lunch + yogurt
1630 6 - 8oz + dinner
1930 10 - 12oz

...just reading your weaning post  ;)

Lauren x

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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 19:02:43 pm »
We're on 4EASY, awake times are 3 hours

Awake time is mostly 6.20 - this morning was 7am so today was:

E 7-7.30am -( 6-7oz formula)
Offer solids around 30-45 mins later - baby oatmeal/baby cereal with leftover formula
S 10am - 10.45am
E 11am (7-8oz formula)
Offer solids around 30-45 mins later - 1 cube veggie, 1 cube fruit
S 1.30-3.30pm

E 3.30pm (7-8oz formula)
6.30-7pm bath, bottle (10oz), bed

Caspar is 18lb 1oz and has always been a big milk drinker.

Possibly try and offer solids 1hr after giving the bottle, although I know this will feel like you are constantly feeding him during the day.   Try not to worry or force it too much, as milk is his main source until 12months and he obviously loves his milk like Calum.

I noticed a drop in his intake at around 8.5month mark, he now only takes between 20 -26ox per day over 2 bottles and a sippy for lunch.    He also gets load of milk in his solids meals.

Try and offer bits of toast with cream cheese or jam on them, bread sticks, etc........ I aslo used to give organix finger foods from Boots (can't remember the name off-hand), pieces of veg or fruit

A friend told me once you get weaning established, then teething might not throw it so much...I'm just concerned at getting it established a bit late...

Sadly, not the case here!! Calum is teething at the moment (still NO teeth!!) and as a result his milk and solid food intake are both down. When he is teething (or ill) I tend to concentrate on keeping his milk intake up, rather than offering him food  (although he loves his food as well).

Vic, can you let me know in what order you started the weaning process?

5.5months your LO got baby rice
When did you start breakfast?
When did you start lunch?
What foods do you offer?
What consistancy?
Lauren x


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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 19:08:10 pm »
sorry if i gave you the wrong impression about his milk intake.what i was trying to get across was not that he was having too much milk- but is full up from the milk hence why he might not be taking the solids as readily now ;D ;D ;D ;D KWIM

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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 19:40:15 pm »
No worries ladies, I think I knew what you meant sachasmummy, this heat is making me nuts!

Things were a bit out of whack really.
We started with some baby rice and then tried pear and sweet potato for a couple of days each, he seemed to like those. Tried carrot and butternut squash and he wouldn't touch either. This was all around lunchtime.

Went on holiday to France and tried him on melon and banana and some supermarket bought puree - just easier whilst travelling, again around midday. Came home and he decided he liked the butternut squash and ate what was left in my freezer. The day after the butternut squash I tried breakfast as well as lunch, and he refused food from then on. I tried for a couple of days with baby cereal (tried two types plus offered him option of my Weetabix), would sometimes take a little taste, other times refused. On those same days and from then on he wouldn't eat at lunchtime either. We did once try peas (gagged) and broccoli (tasted but then gagged a little) but by that point he had refused all food for a week, so not sure if they put him off further.

Have just been on milk now for a week, although he would eat some greek yoghurt the other day (off a proper spoon  ;D), and would taste a petit filous and some mango. Tried toast, he made e face after licking it!

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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2006, 19:42:41 pm »

Are you offereing pureed foods or was he gagging on lumpy foods?
Lauren x


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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2006, 19:47:23 pm »
was about to ask the same question!!!
LOL know what you mean about the heat.are you in the UK??
sounds like he likes sweet stuff !! have you tried parsnips??

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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2006, 19:48:53 pm »
I am in Scotland and even I am complaining about the heat  ;D ;D
Lauren x

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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2006, 21:29:06 pm »
Everythings been pureed so far...

Yes, I'm in London. Poor Caspar, its 31C in his room and 32C in ours. Scotland must be better though?


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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2006, 21:35:47 pm »
i know with DD and this heat shes really not interested in solids at the moment.although she will have fruit etc (but she is older) anything cold really!!!
Hate this heat!!!

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Re: How much milk at 7 months?
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2006, 06:05:39 am »
29oc in Calums room in the evening alone.  Poor boy wasn't this hot even in Spain.
Lauren x