My little boy is almost 17 weeks old and has been doing exactly the same recently. He did have german measles a few weeks ago so wasn't very well but since then we have been having a heat wave here and he was hardly eating anything. He was only getting up once in the night and that was getting later and later (had a couple of 6am which is practically sleeping through) but for a while it went back to 2 or 3 times a night. I think it was a combination of being hungry cos he hadn't eaten much in the day and also it was slightly cooler at night so he felt like eating a bit more.
I gave up making his feeds for a while until he cried for it cos I felt like I was forcing him to eat and was worried I was going to make him scared of the bottle or something but he has been eating a little more so I'm making him reduced feeds, maybe 5 or 6oz every 3.5 hours instead of the 8oz every 3 hours (hungry baby!) that he was on.
I would basically say as long as your little one is still bright, happy and alert then don't worry too much unless it goes on for days and days. Obviously at any point if you are really worried it's always better to go to a doctor than to sit at home and worry like mad!