Hey, y'all! It's me again! My DD has gotten to the point where almost every nap is 45 minutes. With the hubby gone, I have to do any errands or what not on my own with DD. I'm sure this has effected her sleep, but the next week I should (if nothing comes up) be home ready to tackle all issues. She can go to sleep on her own, but has been waking at 45 min. Now, when she wakes, she is bright eyed and when I go into her room, she gets excited. But, she still needs to nap. Should I try to soothe her to sleep or leave her there to try and fall asleep again on her own? If I leave her, I find that she will eventually go back to sleep (no crying involved!), but by that time it's 20-30 minutes until her next E. Her night wakings have begun to be an issue as well, but that's another story.