As you all might remember, my lo has never been a great napper.
But in the past month things have really gone wacky. About a month ago for 2 weeks he was sleeping like crazy - 13 hour nights could hardly handle 2.5hours awake time....sometimes he would have to go down for his first nap after just 1.5 hours. That finally ended (boo hoo) and now we have transitioned into barely an 11 hour night, naps have shortened significantly - usually 45m = our old standard of 1h15min is gone gone gone. AND it is taking a lot longer to get him to sleep at night. You would think he would be exhausted. It isn't as though he is acting particularly tired at night, he just lays on my chest (I know, bad mommy rocks to sleep!) and hummmms. Used to be 3 minutes and now is more like 20. But the most significant nighttime change is his wake up time. He has been up earlier and earlier. Sometimes as early at 530 - but definetly between 615-630am. (used to be 7 or 7:15)
Should I give it some more time to see if it works itself out or is he trying to reorganize his sleep?
He is currently at just barely 3 hours awake in the am and 3h15 -3h30 in the afternoon.
I can give you a routine although it is hardly the same every day -
630 awake
915-930down for first nap - lately it has only been 45min
130pm down for second nap - again lately 45 minutes
7 pm bedtime - but he hasn't actually been falling asleep until 715 lately!
so his total sleep is significantly off and he does seem tired. Not exhausted but definitely tired. He will lay his head on the floor for a few seconds here and there which is something he never did before and I assume that means he is tired. I should add that he is trying to walk, although we have been at the same 5 steps for a few weeks and that he does tend to be a "I'm to excited to sleep" type baby
(I may add that line to my siggy!)
Thanks for your help