Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get your little one to have naps between cluster feeds? He is feeding and sleeping well during the day - here is what my routine looks like:
E- 7:00
A- 7:45 nappy change
S - 8:15
E- 10:00
A - 10:30 - nappy change and playing and cuddling
S - 11:00 - nap but wakes at 12 but stays in cot
E - 1:00 - feeds
A - nappy change, play
S - 2:15 - difficult to go down and might only have 45 min nap
E - 4:00 - feed
A - nappy change, play
S - 5:45 very difficult to go down - maybe only 10 minutes
E - 6:00 - cluster feed
A - 6:30 - bath
S - 7:00 - doesn't really nap - maybe only 10 minutes
E - 8:00 - cluster feed
S - 8:30 Doesn't go down - ANY SUGGESTIONS feel like I am ssh patting hiim forr ages in his cot!
E - 10:30 - Husband does dreamfeed
E - 2:30 - Feed
E- 6:30 - Feed
I would appreciate any help for the evening routine - its where it all starts to be a mess!!