Author Topic: Just turned 4 months and only BFing  (Read 949 times)

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Offline MGardner

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Just turned 4 months and only BFing
« on: July 31, 2006, 21:05:25 pm »
I have no idea what to do in terms of when to breastfeed and when to feed other stuff and how to do it. My mother tells me this is when I should start introducing cereal in his bottle. However he is breastfed. I work during the day and he takes 2 bottles during this time which he takes reluctantly - my sister has to try all these tricks to get him to take it which he finally does. I breastfeed every other feeding because I want to keep my milk supply up and breastfeed as much as possible. We are on 3.5 hour easy trying to extend to 4. So people say to give cereal before bed, but I want to breastfeed before bed. I try to give a 1oz bottle with a teaspoon of cereal after I breastfeed but he won't take it I think because he is full. I am afraid if he give him the bottle before I breastfeed than he won't breastfeed. Can someone explain to me how I can start introducing cereal and at what times during the day or night are optimal to do this.

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Re: Just turned 4 months and only BFing
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 21:11:34 pm »
The new recomendation is that you wait until 6 months to introduce solids especially if you are breast feeding.  It would seem from reading your post that he is quite happy with what he is getting (aside from the bottles) so why mess with it.

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Re: Just turned 4 months and only BFing
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 06:35:15 am »
You should never add anything to a bottle. They used to put rusks in bottles years ago and it now says on the pack not to do this.

I amexclusively breastffeding and started solids ay 6 months. We are stillin  the early days with it and Theo sleeps all night. He slept all night fromabout 4 months and without solids so i sure wasn't in any rush to mess things up nd i also wanted to give  his tummy a chance. So i left the solids and am only introducing things slowly.


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Re: Just turned 4 months and only BFing
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 09:56:02 am »

I was exclusively breastfeeding my dd and it's a long story but around the time she was 4months we tried giving her rice cereal - She really wasn't ready for it... it filled her up too much for her daytime feeds so she started waking more frequently at night (was only giving less than a tbls).  Also really messed with her tummy and she had green frothy poos until we stopped giving it - it was only 3 days but I really regret having tried it (but as a 1st time mum don't beat myself up over it!!).  Anyway we started a few weeks ago when she was 5 months because she was waking more frequently through the night even with full milk feeds during the day and it's been fine.  I'd say wait if you can and the recommendation is 6months but you know your lo best regardless of what anyone (even our mothers!) say! ;D

Offline MGardner

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Re: Just turned 4 months and only BFing
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2006, 17:38:05 pm »
ok, I will probably hold out then. I am defintiely excited to have him experience new foods but that time will come and I'm sure when it does I will miss the old days of exclusively bfing.