Ooooooooh I have a ticker!
Well last night after our whole 2hr battle to get a nap he went to sleep at 7.30ish then woke up at 4.20am and was up until 6ish my poor boyfriend was on baby duty! Sam then woke at half 7, i over slept! and after a little battle went for a nap around 9.45.
i'm still ill so hopefully lo will play ball and not be a total pickle like yesterday! I did no chores! poor blokey had to get home after long day sticking hand up cats bums(hes a vet!) and clean kitchen and cook dinner, i felt so sorry for him!
my mum and uncle are visiting us for the first time tomo so have a ton of house holdy stuff to do today but just wanted to pop in and say hi.
hopefully pic of sam will work too!