Author Topic: Desparate for Sleep - Please Help!!!  (Read 870 times)

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Offline anuta77

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Desparate for Sleep - Please Help!!!
« on: August 04, 2006, 16:16:01 pm »
My 3 mo used to wake up just once most of the nights at around 2:30 am, have a good feed and quickly go back to sleep until 5:30 -6 am.  For the last week he's been waking up at 2:30 am but aparently not becuase of hunger since he'd eat only 1-1.5oz.  He'd still go back to sleep quickly and easily but then would wake up at 4 (not too hungry again)  So for the past 2 nights I decided not to feed him when he wakes up at 4, just give him his paci.  So far this resulted in him waking up at 4:30, 5, 5:30.  Am I reading his signals wrong?  Am I doing it wrong? 

Another concern of mine is that when we first started dreamfeed (1 mo ago) it was literally a dreamfeed - feeding him in his sleep.  However, for the past couple of weeks he's been waking up by himself at around 10:30 - 11 pm, something he hasn't been doing prior to us starting the dreamfeed.  Is this the expected behavior? 

His nighttime schedule right now is the following:

5 pm - bottle
5:30-6pm - nap
6:30 - 7 pm - bath, massage, bottle
7-7:30 pm - down for the night

10:30 - 11 pm - wakes up to eat (takes only 3.5 oz)

2:30 am - wakes up to eat (takes only 1-1.5 oz)

4 am - wakes up (I do not feed)
4:30 am- wakes up
5 am - wakes up

He gets expressed breastmilk only.

Please help- going back to work full time in 3 weeks - can't imaging having nights like this and function at work!!!!



Offline anuta77

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Re: Desparate for Sleep - Please Help!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2006, 18:27:13 pm »
Unfortunately, we don't have a solid regular daily routine.  I follow the 2 hr rule religiously though which for us means that ds doesn't spend more than 1hr 15 min awake.  But his naps are all over the place -  some as short as 30 min some as long as 2 hrs.  Also, sometimes we're not successful in putting him back to sleep when he wakes up at 5am so he starts his day then and sometimes he sleeps till 7am.  In any case he wouldn't eat until 7:30 am.

Please tell me there's still hope for us :)

Thank you,