Author Topic: Which one first...Dreamfeed or nightfeed  (Read 982 times)

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Offline tiki_mama

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Which one first...Dreamfeed or nightfeed
« on: August 13, 2006, 08:01:11 am »
Well after 7.5 months my DD finally appears to be making moves towards 'sleeping through the night'.

We still do a dreamfeed but she now takes less than 1 boob, and we have been moving closer to the morning (i.e. 6am) with the night feed and again she's taking less than 1 boob. I reckon now it's more of a comfort thing and DH and I would like to try and see if we can't stop these feeds completely ;)

I'm just not sure which one to start with. My natural instinct is to cut out the D/F as it's recommended in the BW books that this should happen around 7 or 8 months anyway. The only problem is I believe that my lo now wakes habitually for this feed (she's been on EASY and the D/F since birth). If she was sleeping through past the 10-11 window then I'd just go cold turkey, or even try moving the feed back 15 minutes or so every couple of nights, but at the moment she wakes up and cries around 9.15  - 9.30  :-\  How do I regress this feed if she wakes up randomly before the feed is due? DH has started going in and re-settling her and then I feed her at 10, so should we wait to see if the early wakening stops before we think about bringing the feed time forward or should we just pick a time like 9pm and start from there??    ???

Anyone tried to cut out the night feed whilst maintaining the DF? Would this work? Also, anyone continued to D/F past 8 months?

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Which one first...Dreamfeed or nightfeed
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2006, 10:00:35 am »
In my own experience I cut out the dreamfeed first and she was able to drop her nightfeed herself. Her dreamfeed was making her very wet and was waking her at night. I'm not sure how it'll work for you, but I would recomend dropping the dreamfeed first, don't be surprised if at first her night waking is earlier. In your situation you can try w2s to end the dream feed, and then for the night waking. Start with the dreamfeed, go in about an hour before her normal wake time and see if that makes a difference. She isn't taking enough at either feed to "need" the feed so dropping it is doable.
