I need some help in determining if my six month lo is ready to go from 3 to 2 naps. He is pretty inconsistent with the length of the three naps...meaning sometimes the first nap is the short one and sometimes it's the mid-day, sometimes late afternoon, etc... However, he is often waking early from naps so I'm wondering if he's just not that tired? He only sleep about 9.5 - 10 hrs. at night, though... And about once a week he'll have a day of 'power-napping' where he sleeps like crazy!! We keep his 8pm bedtime consistent or even move earlier if he seems tired. He can usually last 2.5 hrs. of E & A time before I catch some yawns. I know if I could extend his morning nap consistently, we'd probably make the transition. Should I just wait for him to get there naturally or try to start working on it?? Two longer naps would be so much more convenient for me!! (selfish Mommy..LOL)
Here is our schedule. It's hard to be more specific re: wake time 'cause as I said the naps are varying in length at different times. But I usually get two long and one short.
5:30-6AM - Wake (UGH!!)
7:45 - Nap
Noon - Nap
3:30 - Nap
7:30-8 - Bedtime
Thanks for any advice!!