I've been using BW techniques since Ashlee was very young, around a week ago she has started crying when I put her down for her naps. Sometimes the morning, sometimes the afternoon, and occassionally both naps! The last time she did this at around 5 or 6 mths, it was because she needed more Activity time and this seemed to fix it. I just don't know why this time, have tried extending activity time, but that didn't seem to help. Thought it was overstimulation, so put her in the room about 15-20mins before bed, but this didn't help either. She seems to go to sleep ok at night.
Routine before this happened (she rarely sleeps for more than 1.5 hours now):
7am - breastfeed
8.30am - solids
9.30am - asleep for approx. 1 hr 10 mins
11am - breastfeed
12.30pm - solids
2.30pm - asleep for approx. 1h 10 mins
3.45pm (or when she wakes) - breastfeed
5.30pm - solids
6.45pm - bottle and top up with breastfeed
7.10pm - asleep
Normally, I would just put her in her sleep sac, sing a little, say goodbye, she would eventually drift off to sleep.
Admittedly, I've got myself into some accidental parenting for a few days as I thought it was wind and have been getting her out of bed, putting her into the lounge for 10 mins, and trying to get her back to bed and sleep (which doesn't seem to work either). So I think she has cottoned onto the fact that if she cries, I will get her up. But the screaming is so loud and horrible!! (she's almost choking).
My partner however can put to bed much easier (though he's at work most of the time, so I can't rely on this, and I've got to be able to do this myself - HELP!!!). She relaxes and cries less, then goes to sleep when he puts her to bed.
Would appreciate any help.