6.30 awake and feed followed by getting dressed then sitting in his chair quietly
7.30 head upstairs we turn off lights swaddle, give dummy then sit in chair for a cuddle and pat sh for 5 mins he usually reaches stage 3 very quickly then lower into cot continuing pat sh for few more mins. sometimes he will settle himself whilst nodding off other times seems more alert and needs more pat sh. i have stayed for the 20 min jolt a few times but makes little difference. do not wait for tired cues unless they come before the hour A time is up. We would head upstairs at first yawn or if he starts to fuss. normally he is very easy to settle just won't stay asleep at this nap the above cycle can be repeated every 10/20 mins until next feed time. sometimes he will sleep for the last 45 mins before a feed. some days we can get back on track but today for example he hasn't had one good nap all day.
he has followed 3hour easy pretty much to the letter since 1 week old. Going to bed at 7/8pm having df sleeping till 2am feeding then often taking upto 2hours to resettle. then sleeps till morning.
any advice would be appreciated.