I'm new and just about to start my 10 week old on EASY. I hope this is the right place for this question!
We already follow a loose routine that is very similar to EASY - food (BF), activity and sleep, and are on a 3 to 4 hour cycle during the day. He already sleeps well at night, typically going to bed around 7ish and feeding again at 11 and 4.
How long should his daytime naps be. Having read some of the posts on the sleep forumn it looks like we should be aiming at naps of around 1hour on a 3hour cycle or 1.5 hours on a 4 hour cycle. But my son starts yawning almost as soon as he finishes eating ( I ignore what I call his post milk stupor - he often dozes for upto 5 mins after he finishes eating, but always wakes up alert). Even with a wind down thats has him sleeping for 2 hours plus......
Could this be because we haven't started on EASY proper yet - and as we follow it activity time increases more in line with the nap times above, or do I just go with his natural timing determined by his signals? I feel bad putting him down to sleep almost as soon as he finishes eating.....
Any advise gladly recieved.