Author Topic: EASY still not easy for naps  (Read 820 times)

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Offline KeirasMummy

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EASY still not easy for naps
« on: August 29, 2006, 23:52:18 pm »
Help! I still can't get my 13 week old dd to nap well. I've recently changed her awake time to 1.25 hours at the advice of a few lovely ladies here, but she's still waking around 30 to 40 minutes. This morning so far:

Wake at 06:40
E: 06:40
A until 07:55
S until somewhere around 08:30 (I was in the shower so didn't see the time, could just hear her playing through the monitor). I left her there for about 15 minutes before she started getting upset, she was wide awake and I had no hope of getting her back to sleep.

We're working on a 3 hour EASY at the moment, so is now due for another feed in half an hour. She's been awake for 40 minutes now and is wide awake and sitting next to me quite happily sucking on her fist. But by the time I've fed her it's going to be well past her 1.25 hours and she's going to be a mess for the rest of the day. This happens almost every day. I've had one day of good naps in the last month and that was while going through the 12 week growth spurt. (This was with an A time of one hour, before I was advised to change to 1.25)

She's sleeping really well at night. We've got her going to bed at 8.30 now, whereas she used to scream if we tried putting her to sleep before 10.30. She wakes after around half an hour, like it's naptime, but is usually really easy to settle and will stay happily on her own after that. She's sleeping through until 6.30 most nights now without a feed.

I've been taking her into her room about 10 minutes before it's time to sleep and sit with her in the chair, she's usually falling asleep on me at this stage, so I put her down to wrap her which wakes her up. If I'm lucky I can then put on the white noise and her crib soother and say sweet dreams and she'll fall asleep easily.

I think her room may be a little too light still, but we can't cover the window from inside. Her room has a very high ceiling and the window is at the top (above the height of the rest of the roof). It has a curtain on it which I keep closed, but too much light still gets in. I'm going to get hubby to try and cover it from the outside this weekend to see if this helps.

Does anyone else have any ideas? I don't seem to be having much success with the naps side of things, they're putting her whole routine out.
