My DD is 5.5 months, and has just completed the 10th day of a very successful transition to sleeping on her own, with help from pu/pd and shh-pat. Last week, she took great naps during the day - we went from two or three 30-45 minute naps and crankiness to two two-hour naps and happy baby. This is in addition to going to sleep by 7 and sleeping progressively longer each night, even stretching her sleep from the normal 3:30 wakening for a feeding to 4:30 and then 5:15! My question is that now, she's had three bad nap days in a row again. Each day she's managed 30 minutes at each nap, and no amount of shh-pat or pu/pd calms her back to sleep. I read in the sleep FAQs that babes organize their night sleep first, and day sleep follows around 6 months (and friends have told me the same thing), but I guess I just need reassurance from some other BW mommies. Have any of you experienced this? And I'm also worried that it will affect the night sleep too. Thanks in advance.