DS's days are totally different over the weekend and during the week. I've always tried to keep to the nursery routine, but things over the weekend have totally gone to pot:
Week days:
- up 7 -7.30 am
- on the way to nursery by 8.30 am
- lunch 12 am
- nap 1-1.30 pm up to 3.30 pm
- 5 pm leaving nursery
- 7.30 pm bedtime routine
- 9.30 pm asleep
Over the weekend, I let him sleep until 8.30 am because I need to catch up and maybe that's where things start to go wrong. 12 am, not hungry, so will have whatever is reasonably wholesome in small quantities. Nap time: don't even think about going to sleep peacefully in the cot, so usually spent in car seat. There is usually a snack sometime in the afternoon to make up for the small lunch and dinner is whenever he's hungry and is the fad of the moment. And he's been asleep at 10 pm for the last 4 days !
Yes, I've lost the plot. He's been a fussy eater for the last 4 months and I've made a conscious decision not to fight the food battle and to ride this phase out. But have I gone too far and should I go back to waking up at the same hour every day and to scheduled meals, which probably would mean skipping meals, in the hope that appetite returns and that Mummy and Daddy have some time to themselves in the evening ?
TIA. I'm feeling a bit incompetent at the moment. DH is not helping either. Because I'm the only BW he knows, he's dismissive of BW and routines. DS is an angel toddler, so we can get away with a lot of flexibility in theory but I've always been afraid to push the boat out too far in case I pay the price later.