I have a spirited baby who is a couple of days short of 5 months old. She was a 45 min napper forever. Then it shrank to 30 mins, and there were fewer of them, and I couldn't get much done.
So, we devised a new schedule for her involving usually one, maybe two, short naps in morning, a long nap in the afternoon, and her night sleep being a bit shorter than before - 10 hours. This worked excellent for just over a week.
Then she suddenly reduced her A times, and started having 2 or 3 long naps during the day (1.5 hrs ish). At first I thought maybe teething related. Then someone suggested maybe growth spurt (she has never before had one that I noticed).
But now I am wondering - could it be developmental. She absolutely is never still anymore, not even when feeding. She is trying really really hard to sit up (she can for a few secs, then falls over) but when laid on floor does crunches trying to sit up. When on tummy, she is trying to move around (not rolling, and can't crawl) but is kind of moving a little - and turning to look backwards and trying to manouvre herself. And she is finally interested in picking up toys and chewing on them (this useful, I was holding stuff in her mouth to help with the teething).
So I guess what I am asking - could it be that she is just getting more tired, more quickly, and this why she sleeping more? She is starting to get tired at about 1hr 15mins, and with lots of effort, and by holding her and helping her play quietly, I can stretch this out a bit, to absolute max 2 hrs. She used to have A times of 2.5 - 3 hours - easily, with absolutely no tired signs before this time.