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Offline BlessedKylie

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Miracle Blanket and Rice Cereal
« on: August 23, 2006, 11:37:02 am »
I just got a Miracle Blanket and I love it. However, the instructions say not to use it for more than 10 hours a day. Does anyone else use the MB exclusively for all sleep? Or do you rotate with a blanket swaddle?

Also, I know that the BW says not to mix rice cereal in with breast milk to help LO's sleep, but my ped. along with at least half a dozen friends and family members (one who is a ped nurse), swear by the method to help them sleep. My DD is 8 1/2 weeks and over 13lbs. Breastmilk is not sustaining her - no matter how much I give her for very long. She always wakes up every 2-3 hours. I know this is standard for that age, but she is not sleeping at all during the day, and I need some kind of respite.

PS - she has reflux also, which is why the ped recommended the rice cereal.

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Re: Miracle Blanket and Rice Cereal
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 18:19:03 pm »
It could be a hunger issue but it could also be reflux pain - perhaps she'd comfort eating? My DD was like this until we got her on the correct medicine and formula - she overate because it comforted her and soothed her raw throat. Rice cereal only made things worse for us - her digestive system wasn't ready for it and it upset her stomach and really constipated her.
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Re: Miracle Blanket and Rice Cereal
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 20:42:56 pm »
I have to agree with Stacy on the use of cereal. You ped is going against his own professional body's guidelines as well as the recommendations of the WHO.

This link outlines the change in the approach in the international medical community:

Some people do still feel around 4 months is best for their child to start solids if they are suffering from reflux but at 8.5 weeks I hope your doctor has investigated reflux medication first. Rice cereal is not particularly an effective thickener in the case of reflux for breastfed babies because of the amylase (an enzyme that digests carbohydrates) naturally present in the breastmilk. Breastfed mums who use rice cereal with their own milk will recognise the experience of the mixture thinning in front of their eyes as the enzyme goes to work. This thinning will obviously continue once it has been digested.

It sounds as though the other advice you are getting about starting solids so early is about encouraging sleep rather than reflux. My son in the 70th percentile for weight happily lasted without solids until a week before 6 months. He woke up after around 5 hours at 5 months but I felt that was worth it to get the benefits of ebf. If you are really suffering I hope that there are other ways you can get 'respite' perhaps by someone giving a bottle of ebm while you sleep.

I would say that if you are concerned about your milk supply then that is the area to address by contacting a breastfeeding helpline or speaking to an LC. You could also ask about ways to increase your proportion of hindmilk vs foremilk.

Rice cereal has 0.24 grams of fat per oz compared to 1.15g average in breastmilk. It's important that a young baby has this high fat food source to develop brain tissue. You certainly don't want her to fill up too much at the expense of the more valuble milk. You obviously feel comfortable with your decision but I would just advice you to read a bit further on the subject of delaying solids.  Don't take my word for it. You could start with the AAP site itself.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 20:46:08 pm by Samuel's mum »
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Re: Miracle Blanket and Rice Cereal
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2006, 02:01:19 am »
As a physician I can personally vouche, the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Practice (my organization) promoted exclusive breastfeeding until age 6 months. There are exceptions (as with all of medicine), but I would look at your milk supply before introducing cereal. Sometime well meaning friends/family can steer you wrong...because we do learn things over time.

Offline BlessedKylie

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Re: Miracle Blanket and Rice Cereal
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2006, 15:45:16 pm »
I've been hesitant about doing the rice cereal b/c of all of the cons. That is why even though the ped. recommended it at 4 weeks, I've yet to do it (5 weeks later). She did, however, also give me a sample of Lipil AR (Anti-Reflux - is a thicker formula). That shouldn't have the side effects that adding rice to bm should, right? Or no?

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Re: Miracle Blanket and Rice Cereal
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2006, 16:59:24 pm »
She is on Zantac.

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Re: Miracle Blanket and Rice Cereal
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2006, 01:45:28 am »
Hi Hi!

I think whether you BF or FF or combine is up to you and your doctor.  I would - as a FF Mummy of a baby with severe reflux - strongly advise against adding cereal to her diet in any fashion.  In most cases, as many others have offered here - it doesn't help them sleep  through, and at 8weeks her tummy isn't mature enough to handle digesting cereal and because of this - she may get gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

I tried to BF my son and though I couldn't - I believe what the studies show.  BM is best for baby.  Your BM is made by your breasts for this one individual - your baby.  It contains exactly what she needs, exactly.  I feel you should continue to BF as long as you wish to - exclusively or in combination with a formula if that is what you choose.  If you feel your BM isn't sustaining her then I think you may want to look into a lactation consultant or talk to your OBGYN about it - there are meds that can help increase your supply if you can't increase it yourself with frequent pumping.  I feel it is your choice, but please be sure to have all the facts ;)  BM is the most ideal food for baby - even with reflux - if you are able to BF.

As for reflux. Is she spitting up alot, or in pain - or both?   When was she started on Zantac and how many times a day does she get it?  If she began a while ago (3 plus weeks ago) - then it is most likely time for an increase.  These drugs are dosed according to weight and in LO's they tend to plateau fairly quickly, requiring more medication be symptom free.  Also I have learned that dosing of two-three times a day keep symptoms better managed then once. Perhaps you can ask the pedi about this.  Owen was increased just about every 3 weeks, due to weight gain.  If the Zantac is the wrong dose for her weight, you may as well be giving her water.  I agree with Marissa mom - some babies guzzle to soothe their throat from the acid that comes up.  I saw your post in the reflux board about Zantac side effects -  I agree with Ryansmum - though loose stools/constipation can happen with any drug,  maybe your diet - perhaps the Peas and Green beans could be to blame? 

Here are some great links for reflux:
Marci-kids, is very informational about the disease and the treatment for it:
About Zantac general: 
More reflux info:

And last but not least!  Here is a link about how to help baby with reflux sleep:

I hope this helps some.  I know it's alot of links but honestly - I learned the hard way that you need to know as much as you can about reflux and the treatments in order to be a good advocate for your baby - if reflux is causing her troubles.  Good Luck in whatever you choose is best for you and your LO ;)



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