LO will be 8 months old tomorrow (how did THAT happen??). Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if he's cutting back on his formula too much.
About a month ago we ditched the DF, so he's down to 4 bottles a day. He used to drain 5 bottles when he was taking the DF. Now, after a month without it (and steadily increasing solids) he's taking two 6 oz. bottles and two 8 oz. bottles (both 8 oz. bottles are duirng his last awake period). He's having between 4-5 Tbs of solids at each of 3 meals. Is the fact that he's taking two 6 oz. bottles a sign that we should ease up on solids, or is this a natural step at 8 months? I don't want to decrease his formula intake too fast/too soon.