Author Topic: desperate for help .. please please help!  (Read 663 times)

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desperate for help .. please please help!
« on: August 28, 2006, 16:23:52 pm »
Help! Please!  :-\

we are trying to get Jackson to nap not on mommy... We started this last week and it was hit or miss -- he sleeps in his bassinet for about 30 minutes maybe -- one day he slept 2 hours  but i think it was a growth spurt! i've been reading the baby whisperer and this board -- i just dont know if im doing it right -- i put him down when i see sleep cues- he SCREAMS bloody murder - i shhh and pat him and sometimes (like yesterday it worked fine for his 30 minute nap) but this morning it took 30 minutes to get him to stop SCREAMING before he'd fall asleep.. When he'd scream I'd try the shh/pat and when he was so worked up I'd pick him up -do i pick him up right away? do i shh/pat through his screaming? when i pick him up - of couse he'd stop - i kept saying 'mommy loves you, night night jack' the whole time too.  he was so worked up he finally fell asleep the last time i picked him up in my arms and stayed asleep when i put him down.. pure exhaustion i'm sure.. i know he is supposed to go to sleep on his own (or my shh/pat help for short-term --will he learn to fall sleep on his own without my shh/pat???) but it just breaks my heart to hear him scream like that-- what gives? is this right? what worked for you?? HELP!!

today our schedule has been:
(bedtime last night at 745 -for the first time, its been 830 but i think 730 is a better idea seeing as if he falls asleep then he wakes up to nurse around 930 and goes back down anyways so i just moved it up.)
slept until 12:30 -  nursed- back to sleep until 4am- put in his paci - back to sleep until 545am- nursed - stayed in bed with us until 615 stirring not really sleeping-- up playing until 7- put down in the bassinet at 710 and he put himself to sleep without any fuss...  he was up and playing until 845- then was fussing- swaddled him up and tried putting him down...
that is when the fun began -- he got so hot and sweaty i took him out of the swaddle and thats when he finally fell asleep... (hes been trying to find his hands too but hasnt mastered the sucking yet so its not soothing) - he should have been starving before he went down again but only nursed for 4 minutes.. ahhhhhhhh

how did you get your DC to nap not on mommy .. how old were they? is there such thing as 'too young?'

desperate for help on napping..... I dont know if I'm doing it right- if I'm doing it wrong and making it harder for both of us? do you comfort them and then put them down if they are still screaming??

please please help... desperate for any suggestions on how to do this...
oh yeah -- Jackson is 12 weeks old..
Proud Mommy to Jackson David :)