Somehow I knew this was going to happen...She made every attempt to skip the afternoon nap!! Since she woke up at 10:25 I started nap routine at 12:30 pm.
She simply would not go to sleep I tried for 90 minutes, rocking, doing naptime routine. Putting her down the first time I left her for 30-45 minutes. Returned to her yelling and squealing (but not crying) picked her up, reinforced that it is naptime, by not making eye contact, tried to soothe her to a relaxed state in the rocker, failed, put her down after 5 - 10 minutes. I went in every 15 minutes after that, then gave up at 2 pm.
I played with her vigorously to help her to burn up some energy, tickled her and such, then at 2:45 tried for the nap again, because she'd no way make it to bedtime on one 45 minute nap...she fell asleep at 3 pm. She slept until 6 pm!!!
So her bedtime was pushed down to 8 pm tonight! And she was very fussy. I tried to get her down sooner, but it wasn't easy as we didn't want to have dinner at 9 pm.
So did that the morning nap interfere with her afternoon nap today because that is all she seems to need is about 3 hours and she wants to consolidate it? I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do. Can anyone help?